Regarding the reporting of noticed changes, it turned out that some subjects did not report size changes right away but nevertheless claimed to have noticed some when asked at the end of the experiment, sometimes stating that they deemed the changes to be irrelevant. This was observed most frequently in the first condition. The results are depicted in
Figure 2. The questionnaire responses are consistently higher, and the difference between the two reports is significant for the first and second condition (t-test,
p=0.01 and
p=0.04, respectively). There are obvious difficulties in getting subjects to report changes without telling them about them. Neither of the two measures we collect may be equal to the true probability of detection. But critical for the current experiment are the differences in noticing
between the three conditions. These show the same trends irrespective of which measure of subjects’ noticing is considered. Subjects noticed very few changes in condition 1, a few more in condition 2, but they noticed many changes in condition 3. The differences are significant in all cases (pair-wise t-tests
2, verbal reports: C1–C2:
p=0.007, C1–C3:
p ≪ 0.001, C2–C3:
p=0.001; questionnaire reports: C1–C2:
p=0.022, C1–C3:
p<0.001, C2–C3:
The data in
Figure 2 do not show how the frequency of noticing varies between subjects in the same task condition. To illuminate this, we computed histograms where subjects were sorted into bins depending on what percentage of changes they spontaneously reported. The data are shown in
Figure 3. Clearly, noticing of changes for an individual subject is not “all-or-nothing” but typically individual subjects will spontaneously report a varying fraction of the changes. We also computed the percentage of subjects who did not spontaneously report any brick changes at all. These are 88%, 45%, and 5% for the three groups, respectively
3. The strongly increased ability to notice changes in the third condition is also reflected in the number of unnoticed changes that occurred before the first change was noticed by a subject. In conditions one and two, the average number of unnoticed changes prior to the first noticed change was 7.2 and 6.5, respectively, while it was only 1.0 for condition 3. Note that this analysis uses the following definition: if the subject did not notice any change, we defined the number of unnoticed changes prior to noticing the first change as the total number of changes occurring. Hence, our figures for conditions one and two must be regarded as lower bounds to the true number of changes that initially go unnoticed.
It is an interesting question in how far the first noticed change sensitizes a subject to noticing subsequent changes. In the extreme case, it may be that once a subject notices a change the subject will be sensitized enough to detect all subsequent changes. However, our data do not support this. Even if a subject notices a change, the subject may miss a number of subsequent changes. On average, we found that the number of missed changes subsequent to the first detected one is 5.7 for group one (n=3), 2.8 for group two (n=9) and 1.5 for group three (n=11).