For each movement, the equation for a straight line joining movement start and endpoints was computed.
Movement Magnitude was computed as the length of that line and movement direction as its angular orientation. For each movement, we could then compute the
Movement Direction Error as the angular deviation between the response direction and movement direction. To assess systematic deviations of the responses from the visually specified target magnitude and direction, we computed average movement magnitude and average movement direction error. To assess variability of performance, we computed standard deviations (
SD) of movement magnitude and movement direction error for each subject. For the direction data, we computed both linear and circular statistics (Fisher,
1993). Since differences between linear and circular statistics were very small (max. absolute deviation between measures 0.0017°), we report linear statistics only. To characterize
Distributions of Movement Endpoints across subjects we fit minimum variance ellipses to the endpoints of all subjects' hand movements for each target magnitude and presentation condition (Gordon et al.,
1994; van Beers, Haggard, & Wolpert,
2004). To remove any contribution of individual differences to this measure, we subtracted each subjects mean endpoint (
) for each target magnitude in each presentation condition before computing the ellipse. Ellipses were determined by computing the eigenvalues
λ and the eigenvectors of the 2 × 2 sample covariance matrix
R, whose elements are given by:
where the deviation
δi =
i −
is the endpoint of movement
i along one of two orthogonal axes (rows and columns j, k ⊂ {x, y}) and
is the mean position over
n trials. The square root of the eigenvalues corresponds to the standard deviation of movements along each axis specified by the associated eigenvectors. The aspect ratio of the ellipse is equal to the ratio of the square roots of the two eigenvalues, i.e.
. The larger the ratio, the more elongated the ellipse. Ellipse size depends on magnitude of the eigenvalues and
SD of movements in the plane is equivalent to ellipse area: