In this appendix, we show how a motion signal can be extracted by the opponent mechanism that compares the average value of nonlinearity applied to the glider, to the average value of the same nonlinearity applied to the glider facing the opposite direction.
As an example, we apply the nonlinearity f(z) = z 3, to a stimulus generated by a three-element glider G and the even-parity rule. We denote the luminances of the three checks within a glider by c 1, c 2, and c 3, where black is represented by +1 and white by −1. Therefore, the coloring of the glider placed at any position and time in the stimulus can be represented by a triplet (c 1, c 2, c 3).
Since this is an opponent mechanism, and it involves the average of all placements of the glider, we first need to list all the possible colorings of the glider G, and of the glider facing the opposite direction, denoted G′. Since the stimulus is constructed with glider G and the even-parity rule, the number of black voxels in the G can only be 0 or 2. So the colorings of G have only 4 possibilities: (+1, +1, −1), (+1, −1, +1), (−1, +1, +1), and (−1, −1, −1). In contrast, the coloring of the G′ does not have such parity constraint, so the colorings can be (+1, +1, +1), (+1, +1, −1), (+1, −1, +1), (+1, −1, −1), (−1, +1, +1), (−1, +1, −1), (−1, −1, +1), and (−1, −1, −1), a total of 8 possibilities.
Next, the luminances within each possible coloring of the glider are summed, and the nonlinearity
f applied. Then, we compare the average of this signal for
G and
G′. In each case, the allowed colorings are all equally likely (see
1 and Gilbert,
1980), so they contribute equally to the average. The process is detailed in
Table B1.
The results of the table show that the glider G generates a signal of −6, and its mirror G′ generates a signal of 0. That is, for these particular nonlinearity and stimulus, this opponent mechanism results in a negative motion signal m(G) = G − G′ of (−6) − 0 = −6.
Note that the above calculation process can be used on different nonlinearities and stimuli generated with different gliders and parity rules.
Because we want to compare the motion signals generated by different nonlinearities in a manner that focuses on their shape rather than their absolute amplitude, we normalize the motion signal
G). That is, we divide the motion signal
G) by the root-mean-squared value that the nonlinearity would produce when placed on a random binary movie. The results in
Table 1 are generated by this method.