The task consisted of discriminating the drifting direction (either left or right) of the LM or the CM signal by pressing one of two keys. To measure the compressive nonlinearity, the contrast thresholds to LM (manipulating
C LM and keeping
C CM = 0) and CM (manipulating
C CM and keeping
C LM = 0) stimuli were evaluated using a 2-down-1-up procedure (Levitt,
1971). The staircase was interrupted after sixteen inversions, and the threshold was estimated by the geometric mean of the contrast (
CLM or
CCM) at the last 8 inversions. The initial signal contrast (the dependent variable) was set significantly above threshold. The step size before the second inversion was 0.2 log units. Afterwards and until the forth inversions, it was set to 0.1 log units. Subsequent to the forth inversion the step size was 0.05 log units.
It was important to properly evaluate the LM and CM contrast thresholds since the settings of the next procedural step depended on them. Large measurement errors could compromise the next procedural step consisting in measuring the compressive nonlinearity of the visual system. To enhance threshold precision, LM and CM thresholds were evaluated three times (three staircases) for each temporal frequency. Each threshold was estimated as the geometric mean of the three staircases.
For each temporal frequency, once the contrast thresholds to LM (
C LM) and CM (
C CM) stimuli were measured (which we will denote
T LM and
T CM, respectively), the expansive nonlinearity that needed to be introduced within the stimulus (
n) to compensate for the compressive nonlinearity of the visual system was evaluated. To do so, the performance level (proportion of correct answers) was evaluated when superimposing LM and CM signals at threshold either in-phase (
C LM =
T LM and
C CM =
T CM) or in counter-phase (
C LM =
T LM and
C CM = −
T CM). For each of these two phase conditions, five nonlinearities (
n) were added. As mentioned above, the nonlinearity was an additional LM signal in-phase with the CM signal with contrast
nC CM. For comparative reasons, we also evaluated the performance level to LM (
C LM =
T LM and
C CM = 0) and CM (
C LM = 0 and
C CM =
T CM) signals separately. Overall, performance was evaluated for twelve stimuli: the combination of LM and CM signals in-phase using 5 different nonlinearities, the combination of LM and CM signals in counter-phase using the same 5 different nonlinearities, an LM signal alone and a CM signal alone using one nonlinearity. The five nonlinearities for the combined signals and the nonlinearity for the CM signal alone were arbitrarily set based on a pilot study. There values can be seen in the
Figure 1 of the next section. For each performance level evaluated, 50 trials were performed resulting in 600 trials presented in a pseudo-random order.