Many real-world visual tasks are facilitated by familiarity arising through prior experience, and this process is widely recognized as a form of learning (Fahle,
2005; Fine & Jacobs,
2002; Gibson,
2000; Goldstone,
1998; Seitz & Watanabe,
2005). For example, knowing that someone is wearing a bright blue jacket can make finding that person in a crowd much easier. It is not hard to imagine that knowledge of the jacket could have come from having seen that person at an earlier point in time. In this case, the previous experience allows one to selectively attend to a more relevant feature of the scene—people in bright blue jackets—during the search. Knowledge of the relevant feature may be acquired from very limited experience: A single previous sighting may be sufficient to realize that someone is wearing a blue jacket. Underlying this example is the idea that even relatively simple tasks can have a substantial degree of uncertainty associated with them, and considerable gains in task performance can be derived from learning relevant features from recent experience.
We have recently described an experimental paradigm for studying this sort of rapid learning process in visual tasks (Abbey, Eckstein, & Shimozaki,
2001; Abbey, Pham, Shimozaki, & Eckstein,
2005; Eckstein, Abbey, & Shimozaki,
2002; Eckstein, Abbey, Pham, & Shimozaki,
2004; Rasche, Pham, & Eckstein,
2003). A series of blocked psychophysical trials (explained in more detail below) are used to estimate ensemble performance within each block. Subjects can use their experience in earlier trials of each block to resolve some of the intrinsic uncertainty in the task and thereby improve performance in later trials of the same block. In this way, the learning observed within a block has similarities to fast perceptual learning described by Fahle (
2004) and Poggio, Fahle, and Edelman (
1992). However, since this paradigm uses many repeated blocks, subjects will likely be less naive at the onset of a block than they would in one of these more traditional visual learning paradigms. Nonetheless, performance improvements can be assessed with as little as a single previous exposure to a relevant stimulus (Eckstein et al.,
In this paradigm, the intrinsic uncertainty in the task is characterized by a set of possible target profiles, one of which is used throughout the trials constituting a block. When the task includes masking from luminance noise in the stimulus, we have derived the optimal Bayesian ideal observer (Green & Swets,
1966; Peterson, Birdsall, & Fox,
1954)—referred to simply as the ideal observer—for this task (Eckstein et al.,
2004). Having an ideal observer allows us to measure the absolute statistical efficiency of human–observer performance (Tanner & Birdsall,
1958). A defining characteristic of the paradigm used in this paper is that the ideal observer exhibits learning within a block. A consequence of an ideal observer that exhibits learning is potential ambiguity between learning effects and absolute performance. As we shall see below, this dichotomy motivates us to formulate a distinct definition of learning efficiency in contrast to absolute efficiency in order to distinguish how effectively subjects learn from the amount of information available to be learned in the task. This definition also provides an attractive alternative to measures based on accuracy, which tend to achieve the largest effects near 50% accuracy because of confounds with floor or ceiling effects. The ideal observer specifies a model of learning through the information gained from prior experience. The learning efficiency measure we propose quantifies (with some caveats) the proportion of this information incorporated by the human observer.
The basic mechanism of learning in this paradigm—which is explicit in the ideal observer and presumed in humans—is adaptive weighting of visual information. In the context of learning, several investigators have used feature-integration models to describe mechanisms of learning (see for example, Beard & Ahumada,
1999; Dosher & Lu,
1998; Gold,
2003; Gold, Bennett, & Sekuler,
1999; Hurlbert,
2000). Li, Levi, and Klein (
2004) show a striking example of this retuning in a Vernier acuity task where learning changes both weighting and sampling of the stimulus. In a recent review of perceptual learning experiments, Fine and Jacobs (
2002) propose “…that learning might be a consequence of selective reweighting of the neurons that contribute to the psychophysical response…” They use this approach to learning to explain a broad and a diverse set of findings in the perceptual learning literature. We note that all of the perceptual learning experiments reviewed in this work measure perceptual learning in psychophysical procedures carried out over many sessions. The blocked paradigm used in this work functions somewhat differently, but is nonetheless consistent with the idea that learning modifies the visual information used to perform a task.
Previous results using the blocked-target paradigm show that a learning effect can be measured after a single trial within a block (Eckstein et al.,
2004). This learning is subject to experimental control through manipulations such as changing the form of feedback (Abbey et al.,
2001; Eckstein et al.,
2002). In this work, we investigate the role of two important parameters related to learning: the information to be learned in a task and the level of task difficulty. In the context of our experiments, the information to be learned resolves which of a set of possible target profiles is present in a block of trials, and the amount of this information is related to the magnitude of differences between the various profiles. Information places the relevant features within a larger context. Going back to the blue-jacket example, knowledge about the jacket is not particularly useful if everyone in the crowd is wearing the same jacket. We compare learning effects observed on one profile set that contains changes in orientation to another that changes both in orientation and polarity. Stimulus information effects have been shown previously to influence visual processing (Liu, Kersten, & Knill,
1995; Shimozaki, Eckstein, & Abbey,
2002; Tjan & Legge,
1998). Learning in a visual task presumably involves similar processes (feature combination, etc.), motivating the investigation here.
Similarly, task difficulty can mediate our ability to monitor relevant features. In a darkened environment, we may be unable to ascertain the color of jackets being worn, and we may not have realized that the relevant color was blue in the first place. Task difficulty has been recognized as an important component of learning in visual tasks as shown by a number of previous studies (see for example Ahissar & Hochstein,
1997; Liu & Weinshall,
2000; Thompson & Liu,
2006), with larger effects being shown for easier tasks. Having an ideal observer for this experimental paradigm allows us to dissociate differences in performance associated with learning from properties inherent to the task and stimuli.