Introduction: Previous studies have shown significant age-related change in the first-order kernel response of the multifocal ERG (mfERG). However, they all involved use of ring averages across the retinal field. Purpose: To estimate the age-related changes in the localized response and retinal topography using point-to-point comparison. To determine the localized variability in the mfERG scalar product across age and the topography of the age-related change. Methods: MfERG recordings of 71 normal phakic subjects (ages 9–80) were analyzed with VERIS TM 4.8. The stimulus parameters were: 103 hexagons, 75 Hz frame rate, peak luminance 200 cd/m2, m= 2^14. Scalar products (for each hexagon based on ring average templates) were obtained and analyzed for age-related changes. Statistical measures (coefficient of variation (CV) and parameters of a linear regression model) were applied. Point-by-point comparison for hemifields was performed. Results: Each localized response showed a significant aging effect. The average decline of the response for all hexagons was t} 5%/decade varying from 3.3% (peripherally) to 7.5% (perifoveally). The average CV for all subjects at all locations was 29.4% (± 4.1%). The CV distribution was relatively homogenous across the retina except for a small region around the optic disc (4 hexagons), which was excluded from further analysis. Topographical maps of the parameters of the linear regression model showed a distribution that was different from the topography of the ring averages. The rate of change was significantly higher for the superior then for the inferior retina, but no naso-temporal asymmetry with age was found. Conclusions: Our data for CV are consistent with the data previously reported for samples with a more restricted age range. Information about change of individual hexagons with age should make the mfERG more useful in quantitatively monitoring progression of retinal disease.