However, Rogowitz's study and results are not necessarily tied to the sustained-transient approach but do bear more generally on spatiotemporal-specific channel models in which several temporal and spatial channels are assumed (Graham,
1972; Nilsson, Richmond, & Nelson,
1975; Pantle,
1971; Thompson,
1984; Wilson & Bergen,
1979; Wilson, McFarlane, & Phillips,
1983; Yang & Makous,
1994). For instance, it is well known that lower spatial frequency (LSF) channels respond more rapidly than higher spatial frequency (HSF) ones (Breitmeyer,
1975; Lupp et al.,
1976; Vassilev & Mitov,
1976). Although a negative result has been reported (Klein & Stromeyer,
1980), other results also support the existence of inhibitory interactions between spatial frequency-specific channels (Sagi & Hochstein,
1985; Tolhurst,
1972). Such inhibitory interactions combined with the response-latency differences between LSF and HSF channels could also model metacontrast masking. In particular, assume that the mask is composed of low spatial frequencies and the target of high spatial frequencies. Then, on the one hand, given that an LSF channel can suppress an HSF channel, it is readily seen that the mask, activating a faster responding LSF channel, must be delayed by a few tens of milliseconds in order for it to optimally suppress the target's visibility, since the target activates a slower responding HSF channel. Consequently, a typical U-shaped masking function relating target visibility to SOA should be obtained. The SOA at which target visibility is lowest is taken as the SOA
max. On the other hand, if the target and the mask share the same spatial frequency, the response latencies of their, respectively, activated spatial frequency channels ought to be nearly identical. Hence, the maximal inhibitory interaction between target and mask ought to occur when the onsets of the two stimuli are simultaneous.