For each participant and condition, we computed the median reaction times and confidence ratings for correct responses for target trials, as well as the error rates for target trials.
Figure 5 shows the average values of error rates, reaction times and confidence ratings across participants as a function of angular disparity. Note that for
Experiment 2, the data for 0° of angular disparity (i.e., the baseline condition) is identical between the two movement conditions, different from the baseline condition of
Experiment 1. A two-way within-participants ANOVA (2 movements × 2 angular disparities) was conducted for each measure. A significant main effect of movement was observed for all measures—error rate,
F(1, 11) = 7.37,
p = 0.02; reaction time,
F(1, 11) = 4.72,
p = 0.05; confidence rating,
F(1, 11) = 6.48,
p = 0.03. That is, for all measures, the performance for the observer movement condition was better than that for the object movement: lower error rates and reaction times, and higher confidence ratings for the observer movement condition. A marginal effect of angular disparity was observed for reaction time,
F(1, 11) = 4.05,
p = 0.07, but not for error rate,
F(1, 11) = 0.04,
p = 0.85 or confidence ratings,
F(1, 11) = 1.57,
p = 0.24. No interaction effect was observed for any measure,
Fs(1, 11) < 0.82,
ps > 0.38. These results indicate an advantage of the observer movement condition over the object movement condition for both 45° and 90° angular disparity. To compare the performance for the baseline condition with the movement conditions, we conducted a one-way ANOVA (factor: angular disparity) for each movement condition for each measure. The analysis revealed that the performance for 0° of angular disparity was significantly better than that for 45° and 90° for both movement conditions and for all measures,
Fs(2, 22) > 7.81,
ps < 0.005. Finally, in order to compare performance between
Experiments 1 and
2 and thus to disentangle the influence of dynamic visual and non-visual information, a two-way ANOVA (5 movement conditions × 2 angles) and its post hoc analysis (Tukey's HSD,
p < 0.05) were conducted for each measure. The object movement condition showed less accurate performance and lower confidence ratings than any of the other conditions—error rate,
F(4, 44) = 2.88,
p = 0.03; reaction time,
F(4, 44) = 2.01,
p = 0.10; confidence ratings,
F(4, 44) = 2.87,
p = 0.03. No interaction was observed for any measure,
Fs(4, 44) < 1.07,
ps > 0.38.