Although our results are in line with the study of Ho et al. (
2008), it is yet unclear whether we can explain both outcomes with the skewness hypothesis. Our results show that for near-frontal illumination, the relation between relief stretch and perceptual gloss can be explained by the skewness hypothesis. However, the relation of perceived gloss with increasing illumination polar angle is not in line with the skewness hypothesis. Recently, Anderson and Kim (
2009) have argued against the validity of the skewness hypothesis. They found that if the highlights are artificially rotated or translated in the image (keeping the skewness constant), the perceived gloss decreases. Since the highlights should be in the ‘correct’ position with respect to the geometry of the stimulus, they argue that perceived gloss is mediated by a photo-geometric process instead of the luminance histogram skewness which is a purely photometric statistic. Furthermore, they argue that the stimulus set used by Motoyoshi et al. (
2007) was rather restricted: only one illumination direction was used. Anderson and Kim (
2009) note that altering the illumination direction may have an important effect on the skewness. Our study shows that this is indeed the case. Although the study presented here was motivated by the hypothesis that the shape-gloss interaction reported by Ho et al. (
2008) could be explained by a shape-skewness interaction, our results seem to contradict the skewness hypothesis (Motoyoshi et al.,
2007) and are more in line with the photo-geometric hypothesis by Anderson and Kim (
2009). However, these two hypotheses are both extremes of possible mechanisms underlying gloss perception. On the one hand, the luminance histogram skewness is both an image based
and non-spatial statistic. On the other hand, the photo-geometric hypothesis is based on a complex inverse-optics scheme. According to Anderson and Kim (
2009), the actual geometry of the surface should be known after which the visual system can check whether the highlights are in the ‘correct’ positions. However, this requires surface geometry knowledge which can only be attained by having assumptions about the reflectance and illumination. As Anderson and Kim (
2009) write, the shape, reflectance and illumination are all conflated in the 2D image. Precisely this difficulty would be solved if a ‘short-cut’ existed that is purely based on image statistics. An intermediary hypothesis could involve a
spatial image statistic that depends on the geometry of the image instead of the geometry of the imaged scene, for example histograms of (multiscale) image structure curvatures or the statistics related to illuminance flow (Pont & Koenderink,