Studies of orientation discrimination of single bars (Caputo,
1996; Wolfson & Landy,
1999) and texture segmentation of line elements (Nothdurft,
1991; Wolfson & Landy,
1995) have shown that the influence of background on the target depends on the orientation contrast between them. However, we found that the coherence thresholds of translational (vertical) Glass patterns were the same under the center-alone, the vertical-surround, and the horizontal-surround conditions. This result is not consistent with the pop-out effect of orientation contrast, which predicts that the vertical center would be easier to detect in the horizontal-surround condition than in the vertical-surround condition. Moreover, our result shows that the detection of spiral patterns was not affected by any type of surround, and the thresholds of the radial pattern were similar under concentric and radial surrounds. Thus, the surround modulation of Glass patterns with complex forms cannot be explained by interactions between local orientation filters at the boundary of the center and the surround.
Habak, Wilkinson, Zakher, and Wilson (
2004) also demonstrated a form-specific lateral interaction. They used radial frequency patterns whose radius changed periodically about a circle. They showed that it was harder for their observers to discriminate the curvature of a radial frequency pattern when a surround radial frequency pattern was presented. Furthermore, this masking effect was greatest when the curvature extrema of the mask were aligned with those of the target. Such curvature-specific masking cannot be explained by the properties of local orientation filters.
Solomon, Sperling, and Chubb (
1993) showed that the apparent contrast of a center consisting of random bright and dark regions depends on the contrast of another random surround. This contrast induction effect on unstructured patterns may suggest that the mere presence of a surround can affect visual performance to the target. That is, there may be a general surround effect that is produced by the change of contrast in the surround and is not form specific. However, as shown in
Figure 5, the random surround produced little, if any, effect on concentric target detection. Thus, even if there were a contrast-based lateral effect, it played a minor role in the surround modulation we found.
Our results were different from the crowding effect (for a review, see Levi,
2008). Crowding refers to the way in which the presence of other objects nearby can impair discrimination and recognition of an object. Crowding is absent, or rather weak, at the fovea (Levi, Klein, & Hariharan,
2002; Strasburger, Harvey, & Rentschler,
1991). Our target was presented in a circular aperture of 2.5° centered at the fixation, where the crowding effect is minimal. In addition, the crowding effect follows the rule of similarity (Felisberti, Solomon, & Morgan,
2005; Kooi, Toet, Tripathy, & Levi,
1994), that is, the crowding effect is reduced when the target and flankers have different visual properties. Thus, the crowding effect would predict threshold elevation to be greatest when the center and the surround were the same. This is inconsistent with our results, in which there was no threshold elevation when both the center and the surround were radial, spiral, or translational patterns.
Roach et al. (
2008) reported that adaptation to global form gratings in the surround can bias perception of the orientation of a subsequently presented Gabor patch located in the center. Compared with their result, our data show that the global form of the surround interferes with perception of the central target when the center and the surround are presented simultaneously. Because Roach et al. used a local Gabor patch as the test stimulus following the adaptation phase, they explained the aftereffect as feedback from the global form detectors to local orientation filters. In contrast, we demonstrate interactions between global form detectors by using globally defined forms in both the center and the surround. Our result is consistent with the study by Wilson et al. (
2000), who showed that the visibility of a circular form in a Marroquin pattern is suppressed by highlighting another circular form at a remote location.