Reading speed in normal peripheral vision is slow. Chung, Mansfield, and Legge (
1998) used an RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) method to measure reading speed from 0 deg to 20 deg in the lower visual field of subjects with normal vision. To compensate for decreasing spatial resolution, character size was enlarged at each eccentricity to exceed the local critical print size. Nevertheless, maximum reading speed decreased by about a factor of 6 from central vision to 20 deg eccentricity, from 862 wpm in central vision to 143 wpm at 20 deg in the lower visual field. Slow reading in peripheral vision is of clinical interest because of the well-known reading problems of people with central-field loss (Faye,
1984; Fletcher, Schuchard, & Watson,
1999; Legge, Ross, Isenberg, & LaMay,
1992; Legge, Rubin, Pelli, & Schleske,
1985; Whittaker & Lovie-Kitchin,
Chung, Legge, and Cheung (
2004) have shown that a form of training, based on perceptual learning, enhances reading speed in peripheral vision. In the current paper, we report on an experiment to replicate this finding and to test the hypothesis that learning to deploy attention to peripheral vision accounts for the improvements due to training. In the following paragraphs, we describe the relationship between reading speed and visual span, the visual-span training procedure, and the potential role of attention in producing the observed training effects.
The visual span for reading is the number of letters that can be recognized reliably without moving the eyes. The visual span decreases in peripheral vision, as does reading speed (Legge, Mansfield, & Chung,
2001). Legge et al. (
2007) have amassed empirical evidence for a close association between reading speed and the size of the visual span. Pelli et al. (
2007) have provided evidence that a major factor limiting the size of the visual span is crowding, the interference between adjacent letters, which becomes more pronounced in peripheral vision. Legge et al. (
2007) have made the case that the visual span is primarily limited by front-end visual factors. Legge et al. (
2001) presented a model showing how the decreasing size of the visual span would be expected to reduce peripheral reading speed. Lee, Legge, and Ortiz (
2003) further showed that higher-level language processing is similar for inputs to central and peripheral vision, implying no extra linguistic difficulty in reading in peripheral vision.
It is likely that reduced visual span also contributes to slow reading by people with central-field loss. People with this condition usually adopt a retinal location outside the scotoma boundary for fixation, termed a preferred retinal locus or PRL. Letter recognition and reading involve pattern recognition in the region of the PRL. Cheong, Legge, Lawrence, Cheung, and Ruff (
2008) showed that the visual spans of subjects with central scotomas from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) are smaller than the visual spans of age-matched normals. While shrinkage of the visual span probably contributes to slower reading in normal peripheral vision and in AMD, Cheong et al. (
2008) also showed that a temporal processing deficit is a contributing factor.
Perceptual learning refers to improved performance on perceptual tasks following practice. This form of learning is presumed to be based on neural changes in the perceptual pathways rather than the learning of task-specific strategies to improve performance on a particular task. Chung et al. (
2004) showed that training based on perceptual learning increased reading speed and visual span in peripheral vision.
Visual span profiles are plots of letter accuracy vs. letter position (see
Figure 4). Chung et al. (
2004) compared reading speed and visual span profiles at 10 deg in the upper and lower visual fields before and after 4-days of training on a trigram letter recognition task (described in the
Method section of this paper). Trained subjects showed an increase in the size of the visual span, approximately equivalent to the addition of an extra perfectly recognizable letter, and improvement in peripheral reading speed averaging 40%. There was also evidence of transfer of the training effect from the lower to the upper visual field, and vice versa, and from the print size used in training to other print sizes. The transfer of training across visual-field locations indicates that the learning effect is not retinotopically specific, suggesting that the effect might have an origin at a higher nonretinotopic level of the visual pathway.
The question arises whether a higher-level process such as attention can account for the improvements in reading speed and visual span due to training of normal peripheral vision. It has been suggested that attention facilitates perceptual learning (Carrasco, Giordano, & Looser,
2007) or perceptual learning requires attention (Ahissar & Hochstein,
1993; Fahle & Harris,
1998; Shiu & Pashler,
1995) (see also conflicting views: Dosher, Han, & Lu,
2010; Seitz & Watanabe,
2005). Covert attention refers to the deployment of attention to locations or targets in the visual field away from fixation, without moving the eyes. It is possible that the perceptual learning effects in peripheral vision observed by Chung et al. (
2004) were due to an improved use of covert attention. Peripheral training may function to enhance the ability of subjects to decouple attention from fixation and deploy it to targets in peripheral vision. There is evidence that pre-cueing the peripheral target location improves performance in various visual tasks (Davis, Kramer, & Graham,
1983; Posner,
1980; Shiu & Pashler,
1995; Yeshurun & Carrasco,
1999). Pre-cueing a peripheral location allows attention to be allocated in advance to the cued location, thereby enhancing the processing of any object that appears in that location.
The task of reading in peripheral vision would seem to require the ability to deploy attention to the peripheral location of text presentation. This is because current models of reading involve the focusing of attention locally on words, or perhaps neighboring words as in the E-Z Reader Model (Reichle, Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner,
1998), the SWIFT model (Engbert, Longtin, & Kliegl,
2002) and the Mr. Chips model (Legge, Klitz, & Tjan,
The issue of how effectively people can deploy attention to a nonfoveal retinal location is relevant to development of a preferred retinal locus in people with AMD. When a central scotoma first develops, they have a reflex to foveate a target, but gradually learn to overcome this reflex and deploy fixation to a nonfoveal PRL. Presumably, attention is bound to fixation and also moves to the PRL.
The primary question of this study is to determine whether the training effects in peripheral vision observed by Chung et al. (
2004)—enlarged visual span and faster reading speed—were associated with an improved ability to deploy attention to peripheral vision. To address this issue, we replicated Chung et al.'s study, with the addition of a measure of the deployment of attention to peripheral vision (see
As a secondary focus of the study, we asked if there are differential attention effects across visual-field locations (quadrants or hemifields). Our interest is motivated by prior findings on visual-field anisotropy in the deployment of attention (He, Cavanagh, & Intriligator,
1997; Mackeben,
1999) and potential relevance to the adoption of a PRL outside a central scotoma. He et al. (
1997) found that attentional resolution is greater in the lower visual field than in the upper visual field. Mackeben (
1999) found differences in the ease with which normally sighted subjects (both young and old) could deploy attention to targets in different directions in the visual field. Subsequently, Altpeter, Mackeben, and Trauzettel-Klosinski (
2000) proposed that the choice of a site for the PRL in the presence of central-field loss is determined by attentional hot spots in peripheral vision; people who lose their central vision may adopt a location in peripheral vision for fixation that is already intrinsically better at attending.