We used a simple model (see Serrano-Pedraza et al.,
2007, their Appendix A) to test our proposal that the impaired motion discrimination and the reversals in perceived direction we describe here reflect inhibitory interactions between motion sensors tuned to high spatial frequencies and those tuned to low spatial frequencies. The only modification that we have made in the model with respect to Serrano-Pedraza et al. (
2007) is that we increased the number of sensor locations in order to cover a larger area because in this paper we used bigger spatial windows.
The basic motion analyzer is a hybrid of two well-established models (Adelson & Bergen,
1985; Watson & Ahumada,
1985). It uses the computational approach of Adelson and Bergen's motion energy detector but takes some of the filter parameters from Watson and Ahumada's linear motion sensor. To compute the model responses, the basic sensor is replicated at 6 orientations (−60°, −30°, 0°, 30°, 60°, 90°) and 2 spatial frequencies (1 and 3 c/deg) at 49 locations covering an 8° × 8° patch. The locations of the sensors were
x′ ∈ {−3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3} deg and
y′ ∈ {−3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3} deg. The equations and parameters of the spatial weighting functions of the sensors and the temporal impulse response functions are the same as described in Serrano-Pedraza et al. (
2007); their Appendix, Equations A1 and A6). Sensor responses to movies used in experiments are calculated (by the inner product of the stimulus with the spatial weighting function of the sensor and convolving the output with the temporal impulse response) within each orientation band and summed across locations. The high frequency response is subtracted from the low frequency response (and vice versa) for the same direction of motion (right or left) and orientation. Responses are half-wave rectified and pooled across different orientations using cosine weighting and the final response is taken from the spatial frequency channel that has the highest difference between right and left. The highest difference is converted to a direction index and then converted into a performance score using a sigmoidal response function in order to obtain the probability of correct response. It is important to notice that the model is not fitted to the psychophysical data; the parameters of the model were fixed a priori and were always the same for all simulations.
Although the model implements summation between the sensors of the same tuned spatial frequency, it has obvious limitations. For example, the model does not implement either complex spatial interactions like surround suppression (Tadin et al.,
2003) or anisotropic surround suppression (Rajimehr,
2005) Therefore, we can anticipate that the model will not explain either the reduction in direction-discrimination performance that occurs when a single frequency stimulus increases in size or the differences in direction discrimination given by anisotropic characteristics of the spatial windows of the stimulus.