For our statistical analysis, we excluded the data collected without adaptation and for each adapting color (red, green, blue, and yellow) performed a 2-way analysis of variance. In each 2-way analysis of variance, we included observer as a random effect and tested for a main effect of adaptation condition (correlated versus decorrelated). For adaptation to red, green, and blue, the correlated adaptor induced an aftereffect of significantly greater magnitude (red: p < 0.01, F 1,3 = 30.19, green: p < 0.05, F 1,3 = 27.30, blue: p < 0.05, F 1,5 = 10.20). For adaptation to yellow, the correlated adaptor induced an aftereffect of greater magnitude, but this difference was not significant (p = 0.20, F 1,5 = 2.03).