In this model, the localization error arises as the weighted average of the instantaneous mislocalization error over a period of time
τ. The duration and weight of this epoch is described by
ξ 0 which represents the persistence of sensory preprocessing in afferent neurons.
ξ 0 is normalized such that ∫
ξ 0(
dτ = 1.
R f,t(
τ) corresponds to the time-resolved retinal signal of a stimulus flashed at time
t after saccade onset (see
Equation 5 for details). Pola has argued convincingly that
R f,t(
τ) is constant and corresponds to the inverse of direction of gaze at the time of the flash:
R f,t(
τ) = −
t). For example, a flash at 0 deg in craniocentric coordinates presented while gaze is directed 5 degrees towards the right, will drive neurons with receptive fields 5 deg to the left of the fovea. We can rewrite
R f,t(
τ) as
R f(
t) and remove it from the integral. For more details on the use of functions, their arguments and subscripts, refer to
1. Thus, we can reformulate
Equation 2:
Here * corresponds to the convolution operator (see
1 for a definition). We see that
Equation 1 is a special case of
Equation 2′ by setting
ξ 0 equal to a Dirac delta function (see
1 for details). For a wide range of choices of
ξ 0 we can find an entire family of functions
exR which solve the equation. In other words,
Equation 2′ describes an infinite number of models of perisaccadic shift, including the damped eye-position model. In order to come up with a unique solution,
Equation 2′ needs to be restricted. One way to do so is to measure the persistence of the afferent neurons in question and hence determine
ξ 0 explicitly. However, it is not obvious which neurons at what level of the visual hierarchy should be considered. Alternatively,
ξ 0 may be estimated from psychophysical data as has been done by Pola (
2004). Following this approach, it is possible to identify a family of models of perisaccadic shift all of which use physiologically plausible temporal dynamics.