Interestingly, saccadic adaptation seems to be accompanied by changes in visuospatial perception. Several studies have shown saccadic adaptation to be accompanied by changes in the localization of visual stimuli by subjective report (Awater, Burr, Lappe, Morrone, & Goldberg,
2005; Bahcall & Kowler,
1999; Bruno & Morrone,
2007; Collins, Doré-Mazars, & Lappe,
2007; Moidell & Bedell,
1988). Moidell and Bedell (
1988) found a small (approximately 0.5°) change in perceptual localization of a briefly presented target during observer fixation following saccadic adaptation to a target at the same location. Four additional studies have since reported significant mislocalization of stimuli presented at locations similar to the adapted target; however, in every report since Moidell and Bedell, mislocalization during fixation has either not been tested (Bahcall & Kowler,
1999; Bruno & Morrone,
2007) or has failed to show an effect (Awater et al.,
2005; Collins et al.,
2007; Georg & Lappe,
2009). The only exception is a recent study by Zimmermann and Lappe (
2010) that found mislocalization during fixation after inducing particularly large and enduring post-saccadic visual error. While the above work provides converging evidence for changes in visual perception following motor adaptation of saccadic eye movements, the nature of these changes and their underlying neurophysiology are far from clear. Given that saccades can be adapted differentially along multiple vectors (Frens & van Opstal,
1994; Hopp & Fuchs,
2004; Noto, Watanabe, & Fuchs,
1999), it seems possible that the changes in visual perception are not limited to a single translational shift but could match any pattern of saccadic adaptation across the visual field. In this context, it is important to notice that such error can be indicative of inaccuracies in not only the oculomotor map but also the visual–perceptual map and thus may require adaptation to one or both (cf., Awater et al.,
2005; Collins et al.,
2007). Such remapping of visual perception would be indicated by distortions in the perceived shape of persistent objects during fixation. In the present study, we investigate whether, following the systematic, anisotropic adaptation of a large portion of observers' central oculomotor space, their visuospatial perception of a large, centrally positioned object is distorted in a manner closely following the oculomotor adaptation pattern during fixation. Such a result would demonstrate that saccadic adaptation is accompanied by changes in visuospatial perception that not only affect the perception of an object's location but also the perception of the object itself.