Under more complex but natural conditions when traveling on a straight path with eye, head, or body rotation or traveling on a curved path (translation and rotation), things become complicated. The retinal flow pattern is not radial anymore as the rotation in optic flow shifts the FOE away from the heading direction (Regan & Beverly,
1982). How do people recover heading in this case? Many mathematical models propose to use global flow and motion parallax information to remove the rotation and recover one's heading from a single 2D retinal velocity field (e.g., Bruss & Horn,
1983; Cutting,
1996; Fermuller & Aloimonos,
1995; Heeger & Jepson,
1990; Hildreth,
1992; Koenderink & van Doorn,
1987; Longuet-Higgins & Prazdny,
1980; Rieger & Lawton,
1985), a computation that has been implemented with neurophysiological models of primate extrastriate visual cortex (Lappe & Rauschecker,
1993; Perrone & Stone,
1994; Royden,
1997; Zemel & Sejnowski,
1998). To determine whether humans can perceive heading according to the computational models, a number of behavioral studies examined human heading perception during translation and rotation. While some studies reported that observers still needed extra-retinal information to remove the rotational component in the flow field for accurate heading perception at high rotation rates (e.g., Banks, Ehrlich, Backus, & Crowell,
1996; Royden, Banks, & Crowell,
1992), more studies reported that observers could estimate heading within 2° of visual angle by relying on information solely from optic flow regardless of whether the rotation was due to simulated eye movement or path rotation (e.g., Cutting, Vishton, Flückiger, Baumberger, & Gerndt,
1997; Grigo & Lappe,
1999; Li, Chen, & Peng,
2009; Li, Sweet, & Stone,
2006; Stone & Perrone,
1997; van den Berg,
1992). However, among the studies that examined heading perception during rotation, many have confused heading perception with path trajectory perception and used a task in which participants were asked to judge their perceived future trajectory of locomotion with respect to an environmental reference point (e.g., Li & Warren,
2000; van den Berg,
1996; Warren, Mestre, Blackwell, & Morris,