The fact that salience-based effects become greater for low- than for high-contrast targets has recently been reported in several studies. Redundancy gains were greater for low- than for high-contrast targets in a go/no-go detection task (Zehetleitner, Krummenacher et al.,
2009). A reanalysis of the same study published in Zehetleitner and Müller (
2010) also revealed DREs to be substantially increased for low- compared to high-contrast targets. Zehetleitner, Krummenacher, Geyer, Hegenloh, and Müller (
2010) reported DREs as well as dimensional cueing effects for low-contrast, but not for high-contrast, targets in a left/right localization task. In summary, salience-based effects of redundancy, dimension repetition, and dimension cueing are greater for low- than for high-contrast targets, irrespective of whether the task is to detect, roughly localize (left/right), or point to the target. To explain this phenomenon, Zehetleitner and Müller (
2010) applied the Ratcliff Diffusion Model (RDM; Ratcliff,
1978) logic to visual search decisions. According to RDMs, differences in stimulus quality lead to differences in decision times. These differences become greater the longer the decision takes (see also Ratcliff, Thapar, & McKoon,
2003). Applied to the present experiments, the difference in stimulus quality induced by dimensional redundancy, repetition, and cueing lead to relatively greater modulations in decision times for low- than for high-contrast targets. The dependency of salience-based effects on decision times is further supported by the fact that in Zehetleitner, Krummenacher et al. (
2009) redundancy gain and dimension repetition effects (as reanalyzed in Zehetleitner & Müller,
2010) were not only modulated by feature contrast but also by speed–accuracy trade-off: both effects were greater for slow decision times in the accuracy condition than for fast decision times in the speed condition. As to the question why effects of dimensional redundancy, repetition, and cueing are apparent for high-contrast targets in detection, but not in (left/right) localization, pointing, or compound tasks, Zehetleitner and Müller (
2010) proposed a computational model that could explain this fact at least for detection and (left/right) localization: they found out that decision times were faster for localization tasks than for detection tasks—and faster decisions lead to smaller salience-based effects. It is thus possible that in the present pointing task, too, target localization decisions were faster than detection decisions, leading to smaller (even undetectable) effects for high-contrast targets.