Adapting to a plaid induced color aftereffects of roughly equal strength on both plaid and grating tests. Adapting to a grating also induced aftereffects for both types of test stimuli, but the aftereffect was much stronger for grating tests. The aftereffect revealed by a plaid test is not just a weaker version of the aftereffect shown by a grating test, because opposite color/orientation aftereffects can be induced simultaneously.
We found that the largest color aftereffects were found for grating tests, independent of the adapting stimulus. This is difficult to explain by solely appealing to the theory that the ME is just another example of associative learning (e.g., Allan & Siegal,
1986; Murch,
1976). By this theory, one would expect that maximizing the similarity between adapt and test stimuli would produce the strongest aftereffect. A more complex theory drawing from neurophysiology may be more successful.
A neuron in visual cortex responds strongly to a grating of its preferred orientation and spatial frequency in isolation, but superimposing a grating of a different orientation will reduce the cell's response (cross-orientation suppression, Blakemore & Tobin,
1972). A recent study by Busse, Wade, and Carandini (
2009) found that adding a perpendicular grating reduces firing rate an average of 23% in cat V1, which seems modest relative to the differences we found between plaids and gratings, but it could at least contribute to our results. To date, neural recordings of this effect only exist for achromatic stimuli; however, a recent masking study in humans (Medina & Mullen,
2009) suggests that a similar result holds for superimposed red/green Gabor patches (i.e., plaids), though here the effect is measured in terms of detection thresholds of low-contrast stimuli.
Thus, we can hypothesize that cells responding to chromatic gratings will respond less strongly when that same orientation is part of a plaid pattern. Can some of our results be explained by assuming that plaids and gratings stimulate the same set of neurons but with different effectiveness? Previous work has shown that high luminance during adaptation or low luminance during test causes a larger color aftereffect (White,
1976). If this is due to changes in firing rate, then adapting to a plaid should have the same effect as adapting to a lower contrast grating. On this view, adapting with a grating should produce a larger overall effect than adapting with a plaid, independent of test stimuli, as we found. A further prediction, however, is that testing with a grating should reveal less aftereffect than found with the less effective plaid test stimulus. This prediction was not fulfilled: aftereffects tested on plaids were the same or smaller—sometimes much smaller. In addition, as suggested by
Experiment 1, and confirmed by
Experiment 2, plaids and gratings can support separate color aftereffects, which cross-orientation suppression cannot explain.
The results of the opposing conditions instead suggest that different mechanisms respond to plaids and gratings and are, to some extent, independently adapted as well as independently excited. Could this also explain the rest of the results from
Experiment 1?
Ignoring for the moment what mechanism would respond selectively to plaids, assume that it adapts to color/orientation contingency. We know from cross-orientation suppression experiments that the grating mechanisms will respond to plaids, albeit more weakly. Leaving aside such particulars as whether the plaid and grating detectors are arranged in series or in parallel, we simply assume that the plaid-selective mechanism responds only to plaids, and that the final color aftereffect for plaids is a weighted average of both mechanisms. With these assumptions, all of our results can be explained.
Adapting to a plaid should cause contingent adaptation for both plaid and grating mechanisms since it stimulates both. Thereafter, a grating test should exhibit an ME, but weaker than if a grating alone had been used as an adapter, due to cross-orientation suppression during adaptation. Meanwhile, a plaid test stimulates both the grating mechanism and the relatively unaffected plaid mechanism and the color aftereffect is the weighted combination of the two mechanisms.
Adapting to a grating induces a color aftereffect in the grating mechanism, which is seen at full strength for a test grating. Some color aftereffect is also seen on the plaid test because it also stimulates the grating mechanism, but the effect is weaker because no color aftereffect has been induced in the plaid mechanism.
Finally, when opposing color/orientation pairs are used to adapt gratings and plaids at the same time, differing color aftereffects are induced for each mechanism. The effect for plaid tests would be weaker, however, since a plaid test will stimulate both the grating and plaid mechanisms, which have opposite color/orientation aftereffects.
Thus, our results are compatible with the assumption that there is a plaid-selective mechanism. This mechanism may not be exclusively tuned to plaids, however. For instance, it could be responding to the overlap of two transparent surfaces, or to the angle of the intersection between the component gratings. MEs dependent on curvature (Riggs,
1973) and angle (White & Riggs,
1974) have been reported in the literature. Subsequent experiments by Hayman and Allan (
1980) and Sigel and Nachmias (
1975) refuted both of these findings, showing that they could be explained by local orientation-dependent aftereffects and patterns of visual fixation. Recently, Hancock and Peirce (
2008) showed that apparent curvature can be influenced by adaptation, in a manner consistent with the existence of curvature-dependent mechanisms. The same experiments, however, did not show any evidence of contrast adaptation in these putative mechanisms. This is consistent with the earlier work, since contrast adaptation is somewhat analogous to an achromatic ME. These experiments cast doubt on angle or curvature contingency as an explanation of our current results.
Our invocation of pattern selectivity for plaids is foreshadowed in other reports of 2-dimensional pattern selectivity for color aftereffects. Emerson, Humphrey, and Dodwell (
1985) reported that different members of the Lie transform group (such as radial, concentric, or hyperbolic gratings) can elicit different MEs, even though locally these stimuli are made up of the same orientations and spatial frequencies (see also Dodwell & O'Shea,
1987). They argue that this shows that the ME elicited depends on the global organization of the figure. This conclusion is controversial, however, and more recently, McCollough (
2000) reported that induction with pairs of these figures does not lead to a single color percept for each global organization; rather there is spatial variation in perceived color aftereffects, consistent with local factors (i.e., orientation and spatial frequency) accounting for most if not all of the effect (see also Broerse & O'Shea,
1995). Either this is incorrect and global 2-D organization can influence the MEs formed (thus explaining our result as well) or the Lie group is not a global organization that can support color aftereffects, but plaids are. Of these two explanations, the plaid-selective mechanism seems more plausible, but more empirical evidence may be needed to settle the question conclusively.
Other researchers have also posited a plaid-selective mechanism, at least in the achromatic domain. Peirce and Taylor (
2006) measured apparent contrast for plaids after brief adaptation to a sequence of plaids with different component orientations. They tested using the set of all possible plaids constructed from the adapted component orientations but only found the greatest effect when the test plaids matched the adapting plaids. This suggests visual mechanisms tuned to specific conjunctions of orientations. A later study by McGovern and Peirce (
2010) also measured contrast adaptation, using grating tests after plaid adapters and vice versa. They found that the effectiveness of the adapting stimuli depended on the contrast of the test stimuli. At high Michelson contrast (0.4–0.6), they found clear evidence that plaid adaptation reduced the contrast of a plaid test but had little effect on tests using the grating components of the plaid. At low test contrasts, however, only gratings showed any evidence of contrast reduction, for either type of adapter. Since our test stimuli were always full luminance contrast but very low chromatic contrast, it is unclear how to compare the influence of contrast between our experiments, though at first glance it seems like our results are rather different. It may be interesting in future work to measure the effect of contrast (both chromatic and achromatic) on the plaid ME.
Additional converging evidence for a plaid-selective mechanism comes from a visual search experiment. Nam et al. (
2009) showed that plaid targets “pop-out” among gratings, which they suggest is due to pre-attentive plaid-selective mechanisms. Furthermore, they only found pop-out when the spatial frequencies of the plaid's component gratings matched, suggesting that this is necessary to activate the mechanism, paralleling contrast adaptation results from Hancock, McGovern and Peirce (
2010). While the cause of visual search pop-out is somewhat controversial, their results do suggest that there is something special about plaids.
These experiments all suggest a plaid-selective mechanism but do not reveal what exact feature of plaids drive it. It is worth noting that JPEG, the most widely used image compression technique, uses the 2-D discrete cosine transform basis set, which is formed by point-wise multiplication of gratings of opposite orientation. Many of these patterns are plaid-like. Perhaps the efficiency of this kind of representation means that something similar is also used by the visual system. Further adaptation experiments testing different ways of combining orientations may be able to isolate exactly what feature of plaids are driving the putative plaid-selective mechanism.