A striking psychophysical result in motion perception is that when the size of the stimulus increases, the ability to discriminate the direction of motion depends differentially on the contrast of the stimuli. At high contrasts, as the size of the stimulus increases, more time is required in order to accurately report its direction of motion. At low contrast, as stimulus size increases, less time is required (Tadin, Lappin, Gilroy, & Blake,
2003). Consistent with these results, Pack, Hunter, and Born (
2005) have reported that some MT neurons fire more intensely to a large stimulus presented at low contrast than to the same stimulus presented at high contrast. The impairment in direction discrimination at high contrast and big sizes has been explained by a perceptual effect called
surround suppression, which is the psychophysical counterpart of the center–surround antagonism present in the receptive fields of motion sensors of the visual area MT (Allman, Miezin, & McGuiness,
1985b; Born & Tootell,
1992; Tadin et al.,
2003; Tanaka et al.,
1986). This impairment has also been explained by suggesting that the response of the direction-selective filters, implicated in direction discrimination, saturates at modest contrast (Derrington & Goddard,
1989). Conversely, the improvement or facilitation in direction discrimination at low contrasts when the size of the stimulus is increased has been explained by a perceptual effect called
spatial summation (Tadin et al.,
2003). The physiological correlate of spatial summation is believed to be the increases in receptive field size which occur with decreasing contrast (Gilbert, Das, Ito, Kapadia, & Westheimer,
1996; Kapadia, Westheimer, & Gilbert,
1999; Nauhaus, Busse, Carandini, & Ringach,
2009; Sceniak, Ringach, Hawken, & Shapley,
1999). This result has also been found recently in psychophysics (Tadin & Lappin,
2005) where the authors reported that the optimal size for motion discrimination increases with decreasing contrast. However, this apparent change in receptive field size with contrast can be explained by shifts in the relative gain of fixed-size excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms (Cavanaugh, Bair, & Movshon,
2002). Recently, it has been found that MT surround modulation depends on the strength of the neuronal response: the surround antagonism (surround suppression) is stronger for stimuli that elicit larger responses, and the surround integration (spatial summation) is stronger for stimuli that elicit smaller responses (Huang, Albright, & Stoner,