We search for things all day long. Even if the object of desire is in plain view, we may have to search because we are incapable of instantly and simultaneously recognizing all of the objects in the visual field. Most, if not all, acts of object recognition require that we select the target object by directing attention to it. Fortunately, we do not search randomly. Our attention can be guided by attributes of the target object (Egeth, Virzi, & Garbart,
1984; Williams,
1966; Wolfe, Cave, & Franzel,
1989). Defining the set of guiding attributes has been a research project for over 25 years (Treisman,
1985). In its original form, this was a search for the “preattentive” features that could be found in the first, parallel stage of processing proposed in Treisman's Feature Integration Theory (Treisman & Gelade,
1980). (Note: Henceforth, we try to use “attribute” to refer to a type of property like
color and “feature” to refer to an instance of an attribute; e.g.,
red.) One of the diagnostics of a preattentive feature was that it could be found in a visual search display in a time that was independent of the number of distractor items in the display. That is, the slope of the function relating set size to reaction time (RT) would be near zero.
In Treisman's original formulation, there were parallel searches that produced these near-zero slopes and serial searches that did not. It subsequently became clear that there was a continuum of search efficiencies (Wolfe,
1998a) and that an important factor in determining search efficiency was the degree to which preattentive feature information could be used to “guide” attention (Wolfe,
2007; Wolfe et al.,
1989). Thus, if observers (Os) were looking for a red “T” among black and red “Ls”, the RT would depend on the number of red items. Attention could be guided toward them and not wasted on black letters (Egeth et al.,
1984; Kaptein, Theeuwes, & Van der Heijden,
What are the attributes that can guide attention? It is possible to catalog them (Thornton & Gilden,
2007; Treisman,
1986b; Wolfe,
1998a; Wolfe & Horowitz,
2004). Fundamental properties like color, size, motion, and orientation appear on essentially all lists. Most lists include a variety of less obvious properties like lighting direction (Sun & Perona,
1998) and various depth cues (e.g., Epstein & Babler,
1990; He & Nakayama,
1995; Ramachandran,
1988). What has been lacking is a principled reason why some attributes can guide attention and others do not. Treisman originally proposed that preattentive features were those extracted from the input at early stages in visual processing, perhaps primary visual cortex (V1; Treisman,
1986a), but there are difficulties with this idea. First, there are attributes such as the aforementioned lighting direction and depth cues that seem to guide attention but are unlikely to be attributes processed by V1. Moreover, even the basic attributes that guide attention sometimes seem to have been processed by later stages before guiding attention. For example, in search for targets defined by size, the size attribute is not retinal size but the perceived size calculated after size constancy mechanisms have done their work (Aks & Enns,
1996) though not all guiding attributes are “post-constancy” attributes (Moore & Brown,
One alternative hypothesis is that the basic attributes are those that would describe the properties of surfaces (He & Nakayama,
1992; Nakayama & He,
1995; Wolfe, Birnkrant, Kunar, & Horowitz,
2005). Thus, search for a lime might be guided by its green, curved, glossy, lime-textured surface properties. This idea is appealing because the goal of search—at least, outside of the laboratory—is not to find “green” or “vertical” or “shiny.” Typically, the searcher is searching for some object and the attributes of the visible surface of that object are what the searcher can use to locate the object. Thus, it might make sense for the guiding attributes to be the mid-level vision properties of surfaces rather than earlier representations of the stimulus. This would be analogous to the situation elsewhere in vision. For example, it is the task of the visual system to estimate the size of objects and not to sense the size of the retinal image (Gogel,
This hypothesis receives an indirect boost from recent work by Sharan, Rosenholtz, and Adelson (
submitted for publication). In a series of experiments, they showed that Os could identify material properties of objects very rapidly. In their study, Os were 80% accurate with a 40-ms exposure and 92% accurate after 120 ms (Sharan et al.,
submitted for publication).
Figure 1 shows examples from one of their sets of stimuli.
If Os can identify high-level material category very rapidly, perhaps material properties can guide search and perhaps the sets of basic attributes that support efficient visual search are those that define materials. Sharan et al.'s work does not address this issue because they presented Os with a single image at the focus of attention. To test this hypothesis, we had Os search for targets defined by one material property among distractors of other materials. In
Experiment 1, we used stimuli from Sharan et al. They had deliberately developed a highly heterogeneous set of material exemplars in order to make sure that no non-material property was supporting the good identification behavior shown by their Os. That is, it would be of limited interest if Os could rapidly identify water only because it was always blue. As search stimuli in our
Experiment 1, however, Sharan et al.'s stimuli proved to give rise to very inefficient search. Therefore, in
Experiment 2, we used a set of much more homogeneous surface textures. Nevertheless, we still failed to find efficient search for one material type among distractors of another type. We conclude that it is unlikely that material type can guide search.