Does binocular rivalry result from competition between coherent percepts, or from competition between signals from the two eyes? This has been widely debated (Blake,
2001; Blake & Fox,
1974; Blake, Westendorf, & Overton,
1980; Kovacs et al.,
1996; Leopold & Logothetis,
1996; Logothetis, Leopold, & Sheinberg,
1996), but there now is general agreement that rivalry may be triggered by representations at various levels of the visual system (Blake & Logothetis,
2002; Tong, Meng, & Blake,
2006). The same question applies to the perceptual memory maintained when rivalrous stimuli are extinguished. Is the information maintained across the blank interval left- or right-eye dominance (Chen & He,
2004; Pearson & Clifford,
2004), a stored retinotopic representation (Carter & Cavanagh,
2007; Chen & He,
2004; Knapen et al.,
2009), a stimulus representation (Grossmann & Dobbins,
2006; Maier et al.,
2003), or a feature-integrated representation? Of course, a persisting representation may be maintained at more than one level of the visual system.
The non-swapping experiment showed that feature integrated percepts are stabilized during intermittent presentations. This suggests that a feature-integrated percept is maintained between intermittent presentations, though an alternative possibility is that the persistence of a feature-integrated percept is due to stabilized contributions from each eye. This alternative explanation was eliminated, however, by the swapping experiment in which the left-eye and right-eye stimuli were exchanged on each successive intermittent presentation. Results from the non-swapping and swapping conditions were virtually the same. This showed that a feature-integrated neural representation can be maintained between intermittent presentations, not simply eye dominance, or a representation of one eye's stimulus, or a patchwork of retinotopically localized eye dominance.
Previous studies report a strong influence of eye of origin on perceptual memory. When left-eye and right-eye stimuli are swapped between eyes, eye-of-origin information remains stable across a blank interval (Chen & He,
2004; Pearson & Clifford,
2004). Both studies, however, use stimuli with strong luminance contrast (30% and 99%, respectively), which results in eye-based perceptual dominance. Even modest luminance contrast within rivalrous stimuli is known to increase markedly the proportion of time of exclusive visibility for only one eye's stimulus (that is, eye-based perceptual dominance). With luminance contrast over 20%, observers seldom if ever perceive a feature-integrated percept (Hong & Shevell,
2006). Unsurprisingly, there is no persisting neural representation of a feature-integrated percept with luminance contrast over 20%.
Interocular switch rivalry (Logothetis et al.,
1996) shows that with lower luminance-contrast (25%) stimuli, stimulus rivalry is perceived more often than eye rivalry, whereas with higher luminance contrast (50%) it is the opposite (Lee & Blake,
1999). Moreover, with interocular switch rivalry presented intermittently, color is the best stabilized attribute of the percept (Pearson & Clifford,
2004). Separate contributions from the magno- and parvocellular streams to perceptual selection during interocular switch rivalry are reported (Denison, Hillenbrand, & Silver,
2010). Low spatial frequency gratings (4 cpd) and higher temporal frequencies (up to 30 Hz) promote eye rivalry whereas higher spatial frequencies (7 cpd) and equiluminant stimuli promote stimulus rivalry. This suggests that the magnocellular pathway contributes to eye rivalry and the parvocellular pathway to stimulus rivalry.
In contrast to the experiments with luminance-contrast stimuli, the equiluminant stimuli used here revealed strong and comparable stabilization in both the swapping and non-swapping conditions. Two observers experienced stabilization with the swapping paradigm even for a monocular percept. Our results are consistent with Pearson and Clifford (
2005). They report that when the rivalrous interrupting stimulus changes in either color or orientation during intermittent presentations, the percept is more stable than when the attributes are the same. Whether a prior unambiguous stimulus primes or induces switching depends on the strength of the stimulus (Pearson & Brascamp,
2008). Brief low luminance-contrast stimuli prime, causing perceptual repetition, whereas long high luminance-contrast stimuli tend to induce a switch in the percept (Brascamp, Knapen, Kanai, van Ee, & van den Berg,
2007). Equiluminant stimuli may have enhanced a priming effect here, which resulted in perceptual stabilization for the monocular percepts even during the eye-swapping condition.
A recent study on ambiguous three-dimensional motion shows that the priming built up during the successive intermittent presentations can be diminished by applying TMS to human middle temporal cortex (Brascamp, Kanai, Walsh, & van Ee,
2010). The TMS is thought to interrupt a buildup of priming and so results in favoring individual percept biases. For example, after TMS observers perceive a perceptual interpretation that is most frequently reported during baseline measurements (individual bias) and perceive less of the unfavored interpretation.
In conclusion, the results from both the non-swapping and swapping conditions here show that feature-integrated percepts are stabilized during intermittent presentation and therefore reveal that a feature-integrated representation can persist in perceptual memory. The perceptual stabilization of a feature-integrated percept cannot be due to eye dominance or to a monocular representation of the stimuli. Further, these results show that a percept that is never presented in either the left- or right-eye stimulus can be represented and held in perceptual memory. A feature-integrated perceptual memory is consistent with persistence of a neural representation for the percept evoked by the stimuli, not for the stimuli themselves.