While it appears that low and intermediate levels of visual processing rely on feature-selective binding of earlier signals to increase coding efficiency, the same may not be true at higher levels in visual processing. Differences between very similar low- and high-level aftereffects reveal a dichotomy in spatial frequency tuning between feature and global form processing. Both the current data and the shape amplitude aftereffect described by Gheorghiu and Kingdom (
2006) show spatial frequency tuning in the processing of curved contours. However, when the contour is closed to form a radial frequency pattern the observed amplitude aftereffect (RFAAE) is not tuned for spatial frequency (Bell & Kingdom,
2009) and detection thresholds for radial frequency patterns are similarly untuned (Wilkinson, Wilson, & Habak,
1998). A recently described higher level form of the tilt aftereffect, generated by spatially remote adaptation to a global figure, was also reported to be broadband tuned for spatial frequency (Roach, Webb, & McGraw,
2008). Other processes that involve global integration, such as sensitivity to overall structure in glass patterns (Dakin & Bex,
2001) and Gabor arrays (Achtman, Hess, & Wang,
2003) and to random dot motion (Bex & Dakin,
2002) all appear to be more broadly tuned, if at all, for spatial frequency.
The compound adaptation effects used here appear to probe intermediate mechanisms, different to both the low-level contrast adaptation of orientation detectors, but also dissimilar, at least in spatial frequency tuning, to the global form mechanisms described by numerous other authors.