In the
flash-lag illusion, a moving stimulus presented in alignment with a flashed stimulus appears further along the path of its movement than it actually was when the flash was displayed. This illusion continues to be an important testing ground for theories of how we perceive the position of moving stimuli (Eagleman & Sejnowski,
2007; Nijhawan,
2008). Here we seek to further constrain such theories by investigating the neurophysiological basis of the illusion.
The projections of the Magnocellular (M) visual pathway underpin the processing of moving stimuli (Livingstone & Hubel,
1987). Thus, one might expect the M cell pathway to play a role in the flash-lag illusion, and indeed Khurana and Nijhawan (
1995) and more recently Nijhawan (
2008) speculated that it may give the moving stimulus a processing advantage, translating into the observed spatial lead of the moving stimulus over the flash. Cantor and Schor (
2007) and Fu, Shen, and Dan (
2001) found that a larger flash-lag illusion occurs for lower spatial frequency stimuli. Cantor and Schor (
2007) noted that this is consistent with M pathway involvement, given that pathway's preference for such stimuli (Livingstone & Hubel,
1987). We sought a more direct demonstration.
The M pathway predominantly responds to luminance differences, and so its processing may be minimized by presenting stimuli which differ from their background in color but not luminance (
equiluminance) (Livingstone & Hubel,
1987). Individual differences in visual systems imply that the functional equiluminant point should be found separately for each participant, for example with the method of minimum motion (Anstis & Cavanagh,
1983). However, previous studies that so customized their stimuli (Arnold, Ong, & Roseboom,
2009), or used near-equiluminant stimuli (Chappell, Hine, & Hardwick,
2002), failed to find an effect on the magnitude of the flash-lag illusion of using equiluminant moving stimuli. This may have been because even genuinely equiluminant stimuli still elicit some motion processing via the M-pathway. The fact that masking chromatic stimuli with luminance noise selectively increases motion detection thresholds, but not stimulus detection thresholds, indicates that such noise removes intrinsic luminance responses to motion generated by equiluminant stimuli (Baker, Boulton, & Mullen,
1998; Mullen, Yoshizawa, & Baker,
2003). We thus used luminance noise masking of our equiluminant stimuli, which also had the additional benefit of eliminating any residual extrinsic luminance artifacts in those stimuli. We address further what processes luminance noise may be affecting in our
General discussion.
We report two experiments. In the first we used stimuli that were either luminance-modulated, equiluminant, or equiluminant in luminance noise. We varied this contrast independently for the flash and for the moving stimulus in the flash-lag paradigm, yielding nine main experimental conditions. When flashed and moving stimuli contrasts were different, a horizontal boundary divided the display into two equal halves, with one stimulus appearing in the top half, the other in the bottom half (see
Figure 1). If M-pathway processing contributes to the perception of the moving stimulus spatially leading the flash, then we expected that at least making the moving stimulus equiluminant in noise should reduce the magnitude of the illusion, compared to when the moving stimulus was luminance-modulated (flash contrast being held constant). On the other hand, if making the flash equiluminant in luminance noise slowed its processing, then the flash-lag illusion should be larger with such a flash than with a luminance-modulated flash (moving stimulus contrast being held constant). The second experiment sought to elucidate the findings of the first, and is described after those findings have been reported.