Details of the model equations, parameters, and calculations can be found in
1. The simulation results for one condition are demonstrated in
Figure 3. Each row of the leftmost column represents the stimulus given at the time indicated. The second column shows the activity of cells that output from the networks of the opponent-color stage. These cells retinotopically code color information. When the inducing stimulus is present, the network represents the colors of the inducing stimulus. When the inducing stimulus is turned off, the gated dipole circuit at each pixel produces a neural after-response that represents the complementary color signal. The black drawn contours are also represented as color signals at this stage of the model.
The third column of
Figure 3 illustrates the boundary representation in the boundary signal stage. During the onset of the inducing stimulus, boundaries are formed by the color and luminance contrasts between the different surfaces, as they are represented at the opponent-color stage of the model. During the presentation of the inducing stimulus, these boundaries outline the stimulus. At the offset of the inducing stimulus, the after-response signals at the opponent-color stage are too weak to form strong boundaries. On the other hand, the drawn contours are strong enough to produce strong boundaries, but these boundaries only outline parts of the color after-responses.
The rightmost column of
Figure 3 shows the filling-in stage of the model. Here, percepts are derived from the interactions between color and boundary signals. The color signal in the opponent-color stage feeds into and spreads across a surface until it is blocked by a boundary formed in the boundary signal stage. Thus, during the presence of the inducing stimulus, the percept matches the stimulus because the boundaries correctly outline each surface and the opponent-color signals spread across just those surfaces. After the offset of the inducing stimulus and the appearance of the drawn four-pointed star (1900-ms row in
Figure 3), the opponent-color signals at the tips that match the shape of the four-pointed star spread within their tip and across what had previously been the gray middle region. Any edges at the gray middle region are too weak to support boundaries that would prevent such color spreading. In a similar way, the opponent-color signals at the tips that are not surrounded by the drawn contour spread out and merge into the background to become essentially invisible. Therefore, only the color signal falling inside of the drawn outer contour is trapped and perceived. This is the explanation of the van Lier afterimage that was proposed by Francis (
The predicted percept for the bottom row of
Figure 3 is a variation of a model simulation presented by Francis (
2010). The additional inner contour generates boundaries along what was previously the edge of the gray center. These additional boundaries trap the after-response colors in the tips of the star and keep the central region a solid gray. In many respects, this condition is similar to the filling-in investigations carried out by Paradiso and Nakayama (
1991) with flickering stimuli. They found that a contour drawn inside a larger filled circle could apparently block the spread of brightness from edges to the middle of the circle.
In addition to testing whether the inner contour could trap the afterimage colors in the tips and prevent them from spreading across the middle gray region, we were also interested in the timing of color spreading. In particular, we were curious whether different sequences of two drawn contours might produce different afterimage percepts.
Thus, we ran a variety of conditions that varied the order of drawn contours that either had or did not have an inner contour.
Figure 4 shows the predicted percepts from the filling-in stage of the model for these different conditions. The labels above each column indicate the absence or presence of the inner contour boundary (NB: no boundary, B: boundary, see
Design and procedure section in
Experiment 1). When the contour is absent throughout the sequence (the first column), which is identical to the stimulus configurations used for the simulation by Francis (
2010), the afterimage color is seen on the entire surface within the contour. On the contrary, if the inner contour is present throughout (the last column), the model predicts that the inner contour blocks the spreading of the afterimage signal, and color is perceived only at the points of the four-pointed star while the inside of the inner contour is gray. The simulation results further show that the inner contour can modulate the afterimage percepts dynamically over time by trapping and spreading afterimage colors according to the contour drawn at the moment (the two middle columns). One side effect of the color habituation is that the colors in
Figure 4 tend to get darker as time passes. This model property is not central to the model predictions, but it does reflect some behavior studies on color fading (e.g., Gur,
1989; Hamburger, Prior, Sarris, & Spillmann,
2006). These kinds of effect might also be mitigated if the model included anchoring mechanisms (Grossberg & Hong,
A key property of the model is that the source of the color signals is projected as a feedforward signal from the color-opponent circuits to the filling-in stage. The simulation results in
Figure 3 (and the second column of
Figure 4) reflect this model property by showing that the subsequent inner contour does not trap previously filled-in afterimage colors. Instead, the perceived afterimage is based on the spreading of the current inputs from the opponent-color stage as they spread around the current boundaries. These model predictions were tested in the following experiment.