We ask if search task training in one hemisphere will transfer to the other hemisphere. Subjects were trained in odd orientation search in an array presented in one hemifield and odd color search for arrays presented in the other hemifield. In each trial, one array was presented, randomly assigned to either the left or right hemifield, and randomly with or without an odd element target. Following training, subjects were tested on the same task, but with the hemifields switched so that in the location where the orientation task appeared, we now presented the color task, and vice versa. Results of this first experiment supported our expectation in that we found considerable learning transfer for easy conditions and not for difficult conditions.
Figure 2 shows the experimental results: We compare performance for the initial session of 1,000 trials (light blue symbols and lines), the final post-training session (dark brown), and performance on the test session with switched hemifields (orange). This comparison is done for orientation feature (right) and for color feature search (left) and for easy conditions (top) and hard conditions (bottom).
Note that post-switch test session performance is very close to the trained level—for either task—in the easy condition cases, but this post-switch test performance is nearly back to the initial pre-training level in the hard conditions. This dramatic difference between training effects is seen for both color and orientation tasks and is consistent across all SOAs. This differential learning effect is shown in
Figure 3, where we compare the learning effects for easy (left) and hard (right) task conditions. The top graphs show the initial, post-training, and post-switch performances, averaged over the two feature tasks—color and orientation. The second row of graphs show performance averaged over SOA. The inset shows the transfer ratio for each condition, indicating the fraction of the improvement for the trained task that transferred to performance after switching hemifields. This ratio is calculated as the difference between the average performance for the transfer task and for the original task before training, divided by the difference for the original task following and before training.
We performed an ANOVA for 9 subjects with task (orientation, color), condition (easy, hard) stage (initial, final, transfer), and SOA (20–40, 60–80, 100–120, 140–180 ms) as repeated measures main factors and found significance for all (SOA: F(3,8) = 29.93; p < 0.001); post hoc analysis (Tukey HSD test) showed that performance for 20–40 ms SOA was poorer than for other SOAs (Q(2,8) = 5.01, p < 0.01); condition: F(1,8) = 974.52; p < 0.001; task: F(1,8) = 68.86; p < 0.001; orientation easier than color; stage: F(2,16) = 153.58; p < 0.001). Furthermore, there was a significant 2-way interaction between condition and stage (F(2,16) = 21.88; p < 0.001). Post hoc analysis showed that for the easy condition, initial performance was poorer than final (Q(4,16) = 6.04, p < 0.01) or than transfer (Q(4,16) = 5.92, p < 0.01) and there was no difference between final and transfer (p = 0.22); on the other hand, for the hard condition: initial performance was poorer than final (p < 0.001), but transfer was also poorer than final (orientation: Q(4,16) = 5.89, p < 0.01; color Q(4,16) = 5.63, p < 0.05) and no different than initial performance (orientation: p = 0.99; color: p = 0.32).
In summary, there is a clear difference between the easy and the hard condition effects, as follows: First of all, performance is obviously better for easy than for hard conditions. In addition, training always has an effect, and post-training performance is always significantly better than the pre-training level. Nevertheless, there is also another major difference between the conditions, in that after switching hemifields, performance for the easy task remains near post-training level, while for the hard conditions, performance drops to near pre-training level. In terms of our predictions, we would say that easy case training largely transfers to new testing conditions, while hard case training is more specific to the training conditions.
The bottom row of graphs in
Figure 3 shows the learning dynamics for easy and hard conditions (left and right, respectively) and for orientation and color task performance (filled and empty symbols, respectively). Performance for the color task is poorer than for the orientation task, as might be expected for stimuli presented in the periphery of the visual scene, but the conclusions here and in the following experiments are consistent for both. The harder the task, the slower the training effect, i.e., the more training sessions required to achieve the full training effect. Furthermore, while transfer is nearly complete for easy tasks (left), we find nearly no transfer for hard conditions (right)—where performance following about 10 training sessions is similar to performance on the second or third training session.
However, this training and testing methodology left an ambiguity as to what type of transfer was taking place in the easy task case: Recall that we trained subjects on orientation search in one hemifield and on color search in the other hemifield—being careful to train half of the subjects with orientation on the right and color on the left and half with the opposite sides. Then, we switched the sides of the tasks and tested for transfer. The ambiguity that arises is that the large transfer that we found for the easy tasks, color in one hemifield to color in the other and orientation in one hemifield to orientation in the other, could be interpreted as transfer across tasks: color in one hemifield to orientation in the same hemifield and orientation in one hemifield to orientation in the same hemifield. Of course, the lack of considerable transfer for the hard task was unambiguous: The lack of transfer meant that there is neither cross-hemisphere nor cross-task transfer for hard cases.