Psychophysical studies probing the “aperture problem” have typically used plaid stimuli composed of two drifting gratings (the minimum number of oriented components needed to uniquely specify a 2D velocity). The results show that the motion stream is able to correctly estimate 2D velocity under some conditions (Adelson & Movshon,
1982; Amano, Edwards, Badcock, & Nishida,
2009; Lorenceau,
1998) but not others (Amano et al.,
2009; Bowns,
1996; Burke & Wenderoth,
1993; Mingolla, Todd, & Norman,
1992; Rubin & Hochstein,
1993; Yo & Wilson,
1992). Specifically, when a distribution of 1D directions is skewed to one side of the 2D direction (known as a Type II configuration; Ferrera & Wilson,
1990), the perception of motion is often biased toward the mean direction of the 1D motion signals (Bowns,
1996; Burke & Wenderoth,
1993; Yo & Wilson,
1992). This pattern of results has been reported when the 1D velocities must be integrated locally (Bowns,
1996; Burke & Wenderoth,
1993; Ferrera & Wilson,
1990; Wilson & Kim,
1994; Yo & Wilson,
1992) and when the 1D velocities must be integrated across space (Amano et al.,
2009; Mingolla et al.,
1992; Rubin & Hochstein,
1993). These findings are not consistent with either the cosine-fitting or IOC model, which produces veridical estimates of 2D direction. This has led some authors to propose that perceived 2D direction is simply the average of the 1D vectors—a solution known as the Vector Average (VA; Mingolla et al.,
1992; Rubin & Hochstein,
1993; Wilson, Ferrera, & Yo,
1992). However, the Vector Average solution incorrectly predicts misperceptions of perceived speed in Type I stimuli when 1D motions fall on either side of the 2D direction (Amano et al.,
2009; Lorenceau,
1998). In summary, neither the cosine-fitting nor IOC model is able to explain observers' systematic misperceptions of direction for Type II stimuli, and the VA model cannot predict observers' unbiased estimates of speed for Type I stimuli.