A standard model of human color processing poses that a linear combination of the signals from the three cone classes (L, M, and S) is combined to produce three opponent responses, typically called red–green (L–M), blue–yellow ((L + M)–S), and luminance (L + M) mechanisms. Color opponency is believed to be represented early in the visual processing stream and is originally found in macaque LGN (Derrington, Krauskopf, & Lennie,
1984; Reid & Shapley,
1992). Early studies in macaque V1 showed evidence of color opponency, but the number of opponent neurons seemed small compared to what was expected from psychophysical measures (Johnson, Hawken, & Shapley,
2001; Lennie, Krauskopf, & Sclar,
1990; Thorell, De Valois, & Albrecht,
1984). To the contrary, a number of functional MRI studies comparing L–M to L + M contrast inputs suggest that there is a relatively large number of underlying color opponent neurons in human V1 (Engel, Zhang, & Wandell,
1997; Engel & Furmanski,
2001; Kleinschmidt, Lee, Requardt, & Frahm,
1996). It turns out, however, that a relatively small number of color opponent neurons in the V1 population can lead to large population-based opponent signals. Schluppeck and Engel (
2002) showed this by using the results of the electrophysiological study in V1 by Johnson et al. (
2001) to predict the response to the stimuli used in the neuroimaging study by Engel et al. (
1997). A simple linear pooling rule with a threshold non-linearity predicted population responses to various directions in chromatic contrast that are remarkably similar to the fMRI results reported in Engel et al. (