The specificity of training effects has been used to locate the neural substrate underlying perceptual learning. Such specificity has been reported for the discrimination of patterns of a similar orientation (Fiorentini & Berardi,
1981; Poggio, Fahle, & Edelman,
1992), spatial frequency (Fiorentini & Berardi,
1981) and retinal location (Fiorentini & Berardi,
1981; Kapadia, Gilbert, & Westheimer,
1994; Karni & Sagi,
1991; Schoups et al.,
1995). Another approach has been to assess the transfer between the eyes. Here the results are more mixed and dependent on the particular function investigated. Complete or nearly complete specificity to the eye of training has been found for example in luminance detection (Sowden, Rose, & Davies,
2002), hyperacuity (Fahle,
1994; Fahle et al.,
1995; Fahle & Edelman,
1993) and texture discrimination (Karni & Sagi,
1991). Complete or nearly complete generalization from the trained to the untrained eye has been reported for luminance contrast detection (Sowden et al.,
2002), hyperacuity tasks (Beard et al.,
1995), orientation discrimination (Schoups et al.,
1995), phase discrimination (Fiorentini & Berardi,
1981), texture discrimination (Schoups & Orban,
1996) and identification of Gabor orientation (Lu, Chu, Dosher, & Lee,
2005). The observed pattern of specificity effects generally points toward a neural locus of learning within early visual areas, possibly at the level of V1 or V2, and may reflect changes in neural tuning (Poggio et al.,
1992; Saarinen & Levi,
1995). However, performance improvements could in principle also be mediated by more than one mechanism rather than a unitary one and include multiple processes at various levels of the visual system (e.g., Beard et al.,
1995; Lu & Dosher,
2004; Mollon & Danilova,
1996). Support for this notion comes from recent findings showing that the normal position specificity obtained for perceptual learning can be broken under certain conditions. Using a double-training paradigm involving two unrelated tasks (contrast discrimination and orientation discrimination) at separate retinal locations, Xiao et al. (
2008) demonstrated a significant performance transfer for the task learned at one location to the second location that had been used for the other, apparently irrelevant, task. Zhang, Xiao, Klein, Levi, and Yu (
2010) observed a similar transfer for orientation discrimination learning to a new test location by introducing at the latter a brief pre-test, which was too short to enable learning by itself. Zhang et al. interpret their findings as the result of an interaction of foveal and peripheral processing that may involve learning at more central cortical sites. Alternatively, the break up of position specificity could reflect statistical properties of the learning process that do not imply a specific brain implementation (Sagi,
2011). In any case, the question of the exact neuro-anatomical substrate underlying perceptual learning remains unresolved.