An outstanding issue has been whether, or to what extent, the SFM system receives input from local motion defined by second-order characteristics. Wire frame shapes defined by flicker modulation of a noise background were reported to produce a 3D percept (Prazdny,
1986). However, in that study 2D cues may have played a role in the shape identification task required of the observer (Dosher, Landy, & Sperling,
1989). Subsequent work has suggested that the second-order input to the SFM system is weak or non-existent. Mather (
1989) showed that the kinetic depth effect was only supported by “short-range” or what are now referred to as first-order local motion signals. Dosher et al. (
1989) found that the first-order (or “Fourier”) system was dominant in the extraction of 3D shape from motion but conceded that their stimuli (composed of small dots) may not have been suitable to stimulate the second-order (or “non-Fourier”) pathway, which operates over larger spatial scales. Landy, Dosher, Sperling, and Perkins (
1991) improved greatly on Dosher et al.'s experiment by using a variety of stimuli, tailored toward activating the second-order pathway. Their results show near perfect performance for first-order conditions, mixed performance for reversed-phi stimuli, and poor or chance performance for second-order stimuli. Hess and Ziegler (
2000) obtained similar results with a simpler task that involved discriminating the orientation of a depth-modulated grating defined by 2D motion. The contrast of the first- and second-order elements in this study was equated, but this manipulation may not have equated their visibility to first- and second-order motion detectors, as the second-order motion system has weaker directional selectivity (Ledgeway & Hess,
2002) and poorer temporal sensitivity (Derrington, Badcock, & Henning,