Our results show that individuals make basic binary number comparisons with high accuracy in 306 ms on average and are able to perform above chance in as little as 230 ms, that maximal speeds are similar for “larger than” and “smaller than” numerical comparisons, and that they are also similar in a control task that simply requires subjects to identify the number in a number–letter pair.
The results suggest that the brain contains dedicated processes involved in implementing basic number comparisons that can be deployed in parallel with processes involved in low-level visual processing. Such ultra-rapid responses are generally believed to rely on parallel feed-forward processing of objects in different regions of the visual field by the early visual pathways (VanRullen,
It is useful to compare the psychometric properties of number comparisons to those of other processes that have been investigated in the literature using similar methods. Thorpe, Fize, and Marlot (
1996) showed that natural scenes could be rapidly categorized according to whether or not they contain an animal in a go/no go task using button-press responses (median RT of 445 ms on “go” trials and differential ERP activity in 150 ms). VanRullen and Thorpe (
2001b) found that animals and vehicles could be categorized in similar time frames in a go/no go task, indicating no preference for biologically relevant stimuli (mean RT of 364 ms for animals, 376 ms for vehicles; minimum RT of 225 ms for animals, 245 ms for vehicles as measured by earliest above-chance responses; differential ERP activity detected in 150 ms for both tasks). Training provided no advantage: natural scenes to which subjects had been previously exposed over a 3-week period could be categorized according to whether they contained an animal as quickly as an entirely novel set of stimuli (while mean RTs were 424 ms for familiar and 444 ms for novel stimuli, this discrepancy was due to elimination of very long reaction times for familiar stimuli: differential ERP activity was detected within 150 ms for both types of stimuli; Fabre-Thorpe et al.,
2001). Further, Kirchner and Thorpe (
2006) argued, using a saccadic choice paradigm, that the processing required for ultra-rapid perceptual decision making may be even faster than previously believed. They showed that a pair of natural scenes flashed in the left and right hemifields could be compared for the presence of an animal with a median RT of 228 ms and a minimum RT of 120 ms. Utilizing a similar 2-AFC paradigm, Bannerman et al. (
2009) showed that subjects could distinguish a fearful facial expression or body posture from a neutral one in under 350 ms (mean reaction times). Similarly, forced-choice saccades to identify human faces can be performed above chance and initiated with a mean reaction time of 154 ms and a minimum RT of just 100 ms (Crouzet et al.,
In contrast, the number comparisons reported in the current paper are slower than the pure perceptual discriminations studied in this previous literature. One possible explanation for this difference is based on our choice of the minimum RT measure, which produces more conservative MRTs than the KT 2006 measure. Note, however, that even accounting for this difference, our task produced MRTs 20–40 ms slower than the ERP activity reported in several of the studies cited above. Alternatively, the difference might be due to important distinctions between our task and many of the previous paradigms. For example, in the KT 2006 task, subjects had to decide which of two natural scenes contained an animal. However, as only information from a single scene is necessary to make a decision, the two images provide redundant information, which might increase the efficiency of choices in accordance with signal detection theory. Furthermore, in some of these non-numerical tasks it is not even necessary to process a whole image, since identifying an eye or a feather is sufficient to categorize an image as containing an animal. In contrast, in our
Experiments 1 and
2, the two information sources were not redundant, implying that subjects had to process information from both stimuli in order to solve the task. This introduces an additional level of difficulty to the task that might account for some of the differences between our reaction times and those found by KT 2006 and others.
The methodology used in this paper to measure MRTs has also been applied by our group to study the speed at which subjects can make simple subjective value-based choices (i.e., choose which of two food items to eat; Milosavljevic, Koch, & Rangel,
2010). We found mean reaction times of 403 ± 21 ms and a mean MRT of 313 ± 17 ms, but with lower accuracies than those obtained here (73.3 ± 1.6%). Such rapid reaction times suggest that the computation and comparison of values in everyday decision making may recruit a set of cognitive processes similar to those involved in basic number comparisons (King & Janiszewski,
2011; Peters et al.,
2008; Valenzuela & Raghubir,
2010). Needless to say, this possibility is highly speculative, and further investigation of the similarities and differences between these mechanisms is necessary to evaluate its validity.
Our experimental design has two important limitations that should be addressed in future studies. First, our stimuli always represented quantities using Arabic numerals, which are overlearned stimuli, in particular for our subject pool (members of a university community that places a premium on mathematical ability). It will be important to investigate if the psychometric properties of the basic number comparison process change when numerical information is represented in other ways (e.g., verbal vs. analog vs. auditory) which have been extensively studied in related domains (Barth, Kanwisher, & Spelke,
2003; Brannon,
2003; Cantlon, Platt, & Brannon,
2009; Dehaene,
1992; Dehaene & Cohen,
1995; Piazza, Pinel, Le Bihan, & Dehaene,
2007), and if the results hold for a more representative sample of the general population. Second, we considered only non-negative single-digit numbers. It will be important to investigate if our findings extend to multi-digit and negative numbers (Dehaene, Dupoux, & Mehler,
1990; Fischer,
2003; Fischer & Rottmann,
2005; Ganor-Stern, Tzelgov, & Ellenbogen,
2007; Hinrichs, Yurko, & Hu,