Compared to saccades (Kowler,
2011; Ross, Morrone, Goldberg, & Burr,
2001), the degree of visual suppression and distortion is much smaller during pursuit (Schütz, Braun, & Gegenfurtner,
2007; Schütz & Morrone,
2010; van Beers, Wolpert, & Haggard,
2001). During saccades, the whole retinal image moves quickly, which confronts the visual system with the problem of maintaining a stable perception of the world. The visual system deals with that problem by active suppression of the visual input (Burr, Morrone, & Ross,
1994; Volkmann,
1962) and by forward and backward masking (Campbell & Wurtz,
1972; Castet, Jeanjean, & Masson,
2002). It is important to note that this leads just to threshold elevations for some types of stimuli (Burr et al.,
1994; Castet & Masson,
2000), not to a complete block of visual processing. Saccades are short in duration and the distorted retinal input presumably provides little information, so that the system can afford to raise the thresholds. The situation is different for smooth pursuit, which can last for several seconds and induces only moderate retinal speeds. Compared to the strong suppression of luminance stimuli during saccades, there is almost no reduction of luminance contrast sensitivity during pursuit initiation (Schütz, Braun et al.,
2007). While luminance sensitivity for low spatial frequencies is either unaffected by pursuit or only slightly impaired, larger and surprisingly beneficial effects have been observed for chromatic targets and for high-spatial-frequency luminance stimuli (Schütz et al.,
2008). In these experiments, stimuli were oriented parallel to the pursuit trajectory and flashed for 10 ms to minimize retinal motion and to equate retinal stimulation during pursuit and fixation. Under these conditions, chromatic contrast sensitivity is better during pursuit than during fixation (
Figures 7a and
7b; Schütz et al.,
2008). The enhancement of sensitivity starts about 50 ms before pursuit onset (
Figure 7c) and its magnitude scales with pursuit velocity (Schütz et al.,
2008). By measuring the chromatic temporal impulse response function, it could be shown that the enhancement of sensitivity is rather caused by a general increase in contrast gain than by a change of the temporal integration (Schütz et al.,
2009). However, this enhancement is not a pure color effect, since it also affects luminance stimuli but only for spatial frequencies above 3 cpd (Schütz et al.,
2009). As the magnocellular pathway cannot process stimuli defined only by color or high spatial frequencies, it is likely that this enhancement originates in the parvocellular pathway. Since the temporal contrast sensitivity function has a low-pass shape for color and high-spatial-frequency luminance stimuli (Kelly,
1983), the retinal motion during pursuit will impair sensitivity especially for these stimuli. It might be that the enhancement, which has been measured with flashed stimuli that do move on the retina, aims at compensating the detrimental effect of retinal motion on physically stationary stimuli during pursuit.