We used adaptation to investigate the effect of color and luminance on global form-selective mechanisms. Our results provide evidence for invariance to color and luminance polarity in the early stages of global form processing.
The results from
Experiment 1 contradict the earlier report that Glass pattern mechanisms are broadly selective for color (Cardinal & Kiper,
2003). To determine the color bandwidth of global form mechanisms, Cardinal and Kiper embedded Glass pattern in random noise dots and varied the chromatic content of signal and noise independently. They found that thresholds for the detection of concentric Glass patterns depended on the pattern and noise colors, with thresholds being highest when the azimuths of signal and noise were the same or similar. They interpreted this result as a given mechanism's tuning in color space. The present study leads us to propose an alternative explanation for these earlier results. Threshold elevation in Cardinal and Kiper's study could be due to false pairings between signal and noise dot pairs. Pairing of Glass pattern dots into dipoles is performed by local mechanisms that are known to be color selective (Mandelli & Kiper,
2005; Wilson & Switkes,
2005) Thus, signal and noise dots will be more likely to form false pairings (i.e., dipoles with the wrong orientation) when their color is similar than when it is different. The occurrence of these false pairings essentially reduces the pattern's coherence and leads to a detection threshold elevation. This explanation is supported by the observation that multicolored Glass patterns (in which each dipole has a color randomly selected in color space) are more easily detected than uniformly colored Glass patterns in which false pairings are more likely to occur (Grimm, Rentzeperis, & Kiper, unpublished results). The present results are thus in agreement with those of Wilson and Switkes (
2005) and show that Glass pattern mechanisms are not color selective.
Our results show that the degree of adaptation to a specific form is largely independent of the color similarity between adaptation and test patterns, although we do see a slightly larger increase in threshold when adapting and test patterns have the same color. That this effect is weak is somewhat surprising considering that when their colors are the same, both the local and global form mechanisms should adapt, while only the global form mechanism should adapt when their colors are different. This suggests that adaptation mostly occurs at the global stage. It is possible that the test pattern was processed by local mechanisms that had not been stimulated during the adaptation period, or that the periodical changes in dipoles' position during adaptation (see
Methods section) greatly reduced adaptation of the local mechanisms. Since adaptation of local, orientation-selective mechanisms is well documented (Engel,
2005; Wade & Wandell,
2002), we favor the second interpretation.
Our results show that adaptation to luminance produces stronger effects than adaptation to color. Since our adapting stimuli were equated for visibility, we do not have a clear explanation for this result. One possibility is that equating stimuli in multiples of detection threshold is not the correct metric to compare the strength of adaptation across conditions. For example, it is known that RMS cone contrast of luminance-defined stimuli is considerably higher than that of isoluminant red or green stimuli at detection threshold (Chaparro, Stromeyer, Kronauer, & Eskew,
1994). If strength of adaptation in our experiment is proportional to RMS cone contrast, we would thus expect to see a difference between adaptation to luminance and color. Future experiments using stimuli equated in terms of RMS cone contrasts will shed more light on this issue.
Our results with luminance patterns are at odds, with those of Badcock, Clifford, and Khuu (
2005) and some of the results of Wilson et al. (
2004), who concluded from their results that contrast polarity pathways are segregated at the global stage of processing. Their experiment measured thresholds for the detection of Glass patterns embedded in noise of the same or different contrast polarity. They found higher thresholds for the same compared to opposite polarity. We propose that their results can be explained by false pairings due to the selectivity of the local orientation mechanisms, just as for Cardinal and Kiper's (
2003) study mentioned above.
These and previous results suggest that the cortical processing of colored, global form might proceed in several stages. First, local orientation, but not global form, signals are processed by orientation-selective neurons in early visual cortex (Smith et al.,
2007). Many V1 and V2 neurons are known to be simultaneously orientation and color selective (see Gegenfurtner & Kiper,
2003 for a review). These chromatic and orientation signals are then pooled over space to generate a percept of global form. This is likely to occur in area V4, known to contain neurons selective for complex shapes (Gallant, Connor, Rakshit, Lewis, & Van Essen,
1996). Since neurons in posterior V4 are also known to be often color selective (Schein & Desimone,
1990), and since posterior V4 cells with simultaneous color and complex form selectivity have been reported (Kiper,
2005), it is likely that the initial integration of local signals is done by posterior V4 neurons that retain a broad color selectivity. The outputs of these neurons could then be passed to more anterior neural populations (in anterior parts of V4, or in infero-temporal cortex) that pool information across all directions of color space. A recent study comparing the processes involved in the detection and identification of global form patterns (Seymour, McDonald, & Clifford,
2009) suggested that visual features such as contrast polarity must be bound to the form percept by mechanisms located beyond the form detection stage. It is possibly the activity of these color- and luminance-invariant mechanisms that is revealed by the experiments presented here.