Figure 3 shows the averaged response curves for the five participants. The proportion of “near” (for the 3D motion condition) or “left” (for the 2D motion condition) responses is plotted as a function of auditory latency. A negative latency represents an auditory signal lag while a positive latency codes for a visual lag. When an audio-visual phase lag of zero is applied to the auditory signal, the maximum amplitude (70 dB) is synchronized with the maximum visual disparity value (12 arcmin), or with the left position for the 2D motion condition. If perception of the auditory and visual changes occurred with no differential latency, we would expect the maximum of the response curve to peak at a value of 0 ms. If this maximum deviates from 0 ms, it suggests that visual and auditory information are perceived at different times. We fitted logit functions (Mamassian & Wallace,
2010; see
Figure 3) to the distributions and extracted slopes for the four conditions. For each latency
θ the probability
p to perceive the maximum of auditory amplitude synchronized with the “left” or “near” position (depending on the motion condition) of the visual stimuli is characterized by the following logit model:
θ 0 is the optimal latency,
βθ represents the strength of the effect of latency on the proportion of “left” or “near” responses, and
γ is a constant. In this equation, | |
π stands for the absolute value modulo
π, i.e., |
π = acos(cos[
x]). The parameter
βθ shows how sensitive an observer is for small variations of latency (its unit is in ms
−1 when latencies are expressed in ms).
Figure 4 shows the group mean slopes as a function of the latencies extracted from the best-fitting logit functions for the four conditions at each oscillation rate.
A repeated-measures ANOVA was run on the mean latency and the slope with the type of stimuli (DO vs. DL) and the type of motion (2D vs. 3D) as within-subject variables for the two frequency values sessions (0.7 and 1.4 Hz). The ANOVA for the 0.7 Hz session revealed a significant effect of the type of stimuli, F(1, 3) = 14.8, p < 0.01 for the slope and F(1, 3) = 13.6, p < 0.05 for the latency; the type of motion, F(1, 3) = 12.0, p < 0.05 for the slope and F(1, 3) = 9.96, p < 0.05 for the latency; and a significant interaction (type of stimuli × type of motion) effect, F(3, 1) = 90.7, p < 0.01 for the slope and F(3, 1) = 14.8, p < 0.05 for the latency. For the 1.4 Hz session, the ANOVA revealed a significant effect of the type of stimuli, F(1, 3) = 66.2, p < 0.01, and the type of motion, F(1, 3) = 35.5, p < 0.01, but no significant interaction effect, F(3, 1) = 6.58, p = 0.06 for the slope. For the latency measure in the 1.4 Hz session, the ANOVA revealed no significant effect of the type of stimuli, F(1, 3) = 3.86, p = 0.12, a significant effect of the type of motion, F(1, 3) = 19.3, p < 0.05, and a significant interaction effect, F(3, 1) = 9.74, p < 0.05. To further investigate the effects found in the ANOVAs, we tested multiple comparisons with Tukey least-significant difference corrections. In the 0.7 Hz session, for the slope and latency measures, we found no difference between the DO-3D, DL-2D, and DL-3D conditions and a significant difference between the DO-2D condition and the three other conditions. In the 1.4 Hz session, for the slope measures, we found no difference between the DO-3D, DL-2D, and DL-3D conditions and a significant difference between the DO-2D condition and the three other conditions. For the latency measure, only the comparison between the DO-3D and DO-2D conditions was significant.
A casual exploration of
Figure 4 suggests a potential relationship between latency and slope: small latencies (i.e., low bias) are linked to large slopes (i.e., high sensitivity). However, with only eight conditions (and a clear outlier), this apparent relationship should be taken with caution.
The 2D and 3D motion conditions for DL stimuli were similar in terms of optimal latency for perceived synchrony (mean auditory lag: 43 and 37 ms for the 0.7 Hz condition and 59 and 48 ms for the 1.4 Hz condition for the 2D and 3D motion conditions, respectively). Surprisingly, even though stereopsis is often thought to be a slow process, we found the optimal latency for DO-3D motion stimuli was only slightly longer (mean auditory lag: 55 ms and 64 ms for the 0.7 Hz and 1.4 Hz conditions, respectively). However, when participants had to judge synchrony for the DO-2D motion stimuli, it led to larger latencies (170 and 90 ms for the 0.7 Hz and 1.4 Hz conditions). In addition, in the DO-2D motion, the slope of the distribution was substantially shallower than in the three other conditions for the two frequency conditions, suggesting that the task was much harder (see
Figures 3 and
We found a similar pattern of results in the two experiments (similar latencies and slopes for three conditions and longer latency and shallower slope in the DO-2D motion condition). Latencies in the two experiments are equivalent in terms of absolute latencies except for the DO-2D motion condition. In this condition, the latency was divided by two in the 1.4 Hz experiment compared to the 0.7 Hz experiment.