In the present study, we used eye movement to explore whether the contextual cueing effect was related to attentional guidance, initial perceptual process, late response selection, or any combinations of these mechanisms. We have demonstrated a significant contextual cueing effect in the manual RT measure and a significant difference between predictive and random displays in search slope, suggesting the role of attentional guidance in the contextual cueing effect. We further investigated the contextual cueing effect through partitioning the RTs into three phases—the early phase, the middle phase, and the late phase. We next specifically examined some ocular indices combined with different types of saccades to explore how context facilitates search.
The results from different processing stages demonstrated that less time was required on the predictive configurations in both the middle phase and the late phase. During the middle phase, the reduced total number of saccades (mostly a reduced number of ineffective saccades) contributed to the overall contextual cueing effect. These results suggest that both attention guidance and response priming could contribute to the contextual cueing effect. These results are next discussed in detail.
First of all, we showed an overall contextual cueing effect in the RT measure. Through the benefit of search slope in the predictive displays, we demonstrated that attentional guidance could be contributing to the overall contextual cueing effect. This is consistent with the results from Chun and Jiang (
1998). However, it is notable that our experimental paradigm was very similar to the paradigm used by Kunar et al. (
2007), but they did not find or found weak benefit in the search slope. A possible reason for this difference is that the benefit in search slope could be better revealed in a more difficult search task. In Kunar et al.'s (
2007) study, different distracter items and targets were of distinctly different colors, while we used a black and white display. The color attributes could facilitate spatial memory, resulting in a faster response. For example, the RT reported in Kunar et al. (
2007, e.g., figure 2) tended to be 200 to 300 ms shorter than what we found, thus, the benefit in the search slope was not observed in Kunar et al.'s (
2007) study. Indeed, in a study by Kunar, Flusberg, and Wolfe (
2008) in which a complex background display was used to increase the time taken to find the target, they found a greater guidance benefit in the contextual cueing effect. They suggested that guidance would become available in a contextual cueing task if it was given time to develop (Kunar, Flusberg, & Wolfe,
In what we define as the early phase of the search (from the onset of stimulus to the onset of saccade), the current results did not reveal the contextual cueing effect in duration. When we consider the data from all the trials, the D(first fix, T) was not significantly different between the predictive display and random display. Therefore, taking the population behavior as a whole, the results reveal little involvement in contextual cueing in the first phase. However, a slightly higher proportion (e.g., about 12% for a set size of 12) of the trials with zero ineffective saccades was observed (
Figure 9b), indicating that, for the predictive displays, there were more trials in which the eye moved closer to the target, even in the first saccade. It is possible that, after a short period of latency of about 200 ms, at least for some trials, there were some forms of the guidance of spatial attention toward the target by the repeated configuration. These findings were consistent with the conclusions from previous electrophysiological studies (Johnson et al.,
2007; Olson et al.,
2001). These studies showed that the context could enhance the initial site of visual cortical processing, including V1, V2, and other portions of the extrastriate cortex, and attentional guidance could increase the amplitude of the N2pc in repeated context, suggesting a greater early allocation of attention to the visual target.
The contextual cueing effect was prominent in the duration of the middle phase of our task, in which most of the eye movement occurs. This result suggests that the visual context in repeated displays can be used to guide attention toward the target locations. In fact, several investigations, using RT measure, have evidenced that attention-directed processing was an important source of contextual cueing (Chun & Jiang,
1998; Chun & Jiang,
1999; Chun & Phelps,
1999; Jiang & Chun,
2001; Kawahara,
2003; Olson et al.,
2001; Ono, Kawahara, & Jiang,
2005; Peterson & Kramer,
The analysis of the eye movement parameters revealed that, among four different ocular parameters, a reduced number of saccades in the predictive display was the main contributing factor in the contextual cueing. On average, the eye movement did not bring the eye significantly closer to the target from the start, the distances of the scan path were not shorter, and participants did not make shorter fixations. Instead, they simply made fewer saccades for the predictive display. The involvement of the number of saccades in the overall contextual cueing effect was also reported by Peterson and Kramer (
2001) and Tseng and Li (
2004). Moreover, we also found that the reduction of the number of saccades was mostly (72%, calculated based on the gain) caused by a reduction of the number of ineffective saccades (those earlier saccades that did not bring the fixation closer to the target). Reduction in the number of effective saccades contributed to 28% of the reduction in the total number of saccades. These results were generally in line with the finding of Tseng and Li (
2004). Using a different way to calculate the contribution of the ineffective and effective saccades, Tseng and Li (
2004) found that a reduction of number of ineffective saccades was the only factor in causing the reduction of the total number of saccades.
For the late phase of the response, a reliable effect of configuration on TLF to BP was found, which indicated a shorter duration of TLF to BP or a quicker response to targets in predictive contexts. Considering that the size of the effect of response selection here is relatively small, we collapsed the data across the last three epochs (epochs 5 to 7), and the size of the contextual cueing (the difference between random and predictive display) was about 54 ms and 60 ms for set size 8 and 12, respectively. Overall, these results suggest that the contextual cueing effect, to a small extent, can be contributed by the modulation of the process of response selection. Although behavioral results failed to obtain differences from intercepts between predictive and random configurations, we obtained a reliable contextual facilitation of response selection from eye movement recording, which supported the study by Kunar et al.
In conclusion, the present experiment demonstrates a clear benefit of using eye movement data in identifying the precise stage of the processing in the overall response. While the response RT tended to be variable (especially for trials with rather long RTs), the partition of the RT into different phases based on the eye movement status offers much cleaner data for the underlying mental process. The results suggest that the dual-state modulation is involved in the contextual cueing effect in that attentional guidance plays a major role and, to a small extent, facilitation of response selection also contributes to the overall contextual cueing effect.