Our perception of the world is derived from sensory measurements often referred to as
cues. The challenge for an organism is to integrate the information provided by different cues to estimate important environmental properties with high precision
1. The fundamental nature of this problem is reflected in the large literature on cue integration in sensory psychology (see Jacobs,
2002; Landy, Banks, & Knill,
2011, for brief reviews) and in cognitive psychology (see Slovic & Lichtenstein,
1971, for extensive review). The most important findings have been that observers (correctly) give more weight to more precise cues and that the precision of their estimates can approach the maximum precision possible for any rule of integration.
The uncertainty or variance associated with any piece of information can have its origin outside the organism (due to
environmental noise) or within the nervous system (due to
sensory noise). In judging the location of a faint star, for example, one source of uncertainty is atmospheric fluctuations that affect the signal before reaching the retina, while another source of uncertainty is variance in processing the signal within the nervous system after reaching the retina.
Figure 1 schematizes the factors that could potentially affect the precisions of cues (precision = reciprocal of variance) to some fixed environmental property
x. The dashed line marks the division between the external world and the organism's internal sensory world. The measurement of each cue may be perturbed by additive Gaussian environmental noise
with mean 0 and variance
2 , additive Gaussian sensory noise
with mean 0 and variance
, or both noise processes. In the general case, each cue available to the organism
Xi ,
i = 1, … ,
n is perturbed by the sum
3 of the two sources of noise
, and this sum is itself a Gaussian random variable with mean
x, variance
Vi =
, and precision
πi = 1/
Vi. Importantly, and as shown in the Theory section, cues with higher precision should be given more weight when making an optimal decision.
This general approach to cue integration is shared across different areas of psychological research, although with slightly different emphases. While the cognitive literature tends to focus on integration of stochastic cues where the source of uncertainty is primarily external to the organism:
i = 1,…,
n (e.g., Busemeyer, Myung, & McDaniel,
1993; Gigerenzer & Goldstein,
1996), the sensory literature tends to focus on integration of deterministic cues where the source of uncertainty is primarily internal to the organism:
i = 1,…,
n (see Trommershäuser, Körding, & Landy,
2011). Furthermore, while cognitive studies typically address how people integrate a variable numbers of cues that are available simultaneously or sequentially, sensory studies are typically limited to how people integrate just two or three co-occurring cues.
The study presented here uses experimental techniques commonly employed in the sensory literature to investigate how people integrate seven cues presented sequentially where the source of uncertainty is primarily environmental and external to the organism. We address two key issues. First, can observers learn to give more weight to more precise cues when cues are inherently stochastic and distributed across time? Second, how does their performance compare to that of a perfectly adaptive, ideal observer who integrates cues so as to maximize the precision and expected gain of the resulting estimates?