There is a long-standing interest in how the visual system links estimates of local image-structure into global, complex forms. With respect to the visual processing of contours, it is now clear that the integration of their constituent components requires cooperative interactions between feature detectors distributed across space with different orientation preferences (Field, Hayes, & Hess,
1993). An outstanding question, which much research in the last decade has focused on, is how the visual system can link the elements of a contour, while avoiding linkage with irrelevant background structure, to produce a salient structure that “pops-out.” In psychophysical studies using the “path paradigm” (Field et al.,
1993), observers' task is to detect the presence of a smoothly curved contour (path), composed of a series of oriented Gabor patches, embedded in an array of similar but randomly oriented background-elements. These studies highlight the crucial parameters for contour integration, the most important being contour-element rotation. Specifically, contour detection performance is best if elements match the local orientation of the contour (“snakes”) but relatively poor if elements are oriented perpendicular to the contour (“ladders”; Bex, Simmers, & Dakin,
2001; Field et al.,
1993; Hess, Ledgeway, & Dakin,
2000; Ledgeway, Hess, & Geisler,
2005). The poorest performance, however, is obtained with elements oriented at 45° relative to the contour (Ledgeway et al.,
2005). Other crucial parameters are path curvature (Field et al.,
1993), interelement distance (Kovacs & Julesz,
1993), element-density (Li & Gilbert,
2002; Pennefather, Chandna, Kovacs, Polat, & Norcia,
1999), exposure-duration (Roelfsema, Scholte, & Spekreijse,
1999), similarity in phase (Dakin & Hess,
1999; Hess & Dakin,
1999; Keeble & Hess,
1999), and spatial frequency of the contour-elements (Dakin & Hess,