A standard approach to analysis of gaze data is to treat the set of fixation locations recorded on each image, pooled across subjects, as independent and identically distributed samples from an unknown population distribution (the “fixation density”). Kernel density estimation (e.g., Silverman,
1986) is a common method of obtaining such a distribution: given a finite sample {
x2, ...
xn} of fixations at Cartesian coordinates
xi =
, the underlying probability density that a fixation
xt falls at location
X is estimated by:
K is a two-dimensional Gaussian ‘kernel':
x and
y are horizontal and vertical components of the input,
ϕ is the standard Gaussian function with mean zero and variance one, and
h is the kernel ‘bandwidth'. Rather than hand-pick the bandwidth, we used log-likelihood cross-validation (Habbema, Hermans, & Van Den Broek,
1974) to select the optimal bandwidth for each data set:
indicates the
ith fixation on the
Ith image. This provided a principled method of obtaining a fixed kernel bandwidth for each dataset (free-viewing:
h = 0.93°; search:
h = 1.14°) that would provide the best description of the data.
Figure 1c shows the resulting estimate of fixation density for an example image.
To examine how preferences for different regions of an image affect gaze statistics, we performed a Monte Carlo simulation based on the estimated fixation densities. The simulation proceeded as follows: 2,000 sequences of fixations, each matched in length to the experimental data, were generated for each image based on pseudorandom sampling from the fixation distribution estimated in
Equation 2. Relative saccade metrics were calculated for these simulated scanpaths (example in
Figure 2a) in the same way as for recorded data (
Equation 1), and frequencies averaged across simulation repetitions to obtain the distribution in
Figure 2b.