Our results support the hypothesis that the eye can differentiate between hyperopic and myopic defocus based on the effects of changes in luminance or color contrast. Luminance flicker produced a hyperopic shift in refraction, while color flicker produced a myopic shift in refraction, and both refractive shifts occurred as a result of changes in eye length. The hyperopic shift in refraction seen with luminance flicker was especially significant because it was a shift in the opposite direction than that of normal emmetropization. The myopic shift in refraction after exposure to color flicker was similar to that seen in normal emmetropization, but the changes in eye length were much greater than normal.
The literature on the effects of flickering light on ocular elongation and refraction is inconsistent. In the late eighties, Gottlieb and Wallman (
1987) found that 10 Hz stroboscopic flicker, but not 100 Hz stroboscopic flicker, prevented the increase in eye growth and myopia normally found in occluded chick eyes. They concluded that the increased retinal stimulation elicited by a high contrast, sharply focused image may inhibit eye growth. Schwahn and Schaeffel (
1997) also showed a hyperopic shift in refraction of the fellow eye of lens-wearing chicks when they were exposed to 150 W Xenon light pulses with different duty cycles (light periods) at either 6 or 12 Hz (except at 12 Hz: 75% light period). However, Cremieux, Orban, Duysens, Amblard, and Kennedy (
1989) and Yu, Chen, Tuo, and Zhu (
2011) found a myopic shift at lower rates of temporal modulation (2 Hz) in cats and C57BL/6 (B6) mice, respectively. On the other hand, Crewther, Barutchu, Murphy, and Crewther (
2006) found that a ramped waveform flickering at 2 Hz had no effect on non-lens wearing chick eyes. The difference in waveforms, frequencies, and photoperiods make comparison of the results difficult, but one thing is clear—the temporal properties of the stimulus affect the refraction, and further study is required to clarify the temporal effects of flicker on emmetropization.
In this experiment, the largest refractive change occurred after the first exposure to flicker, and then the refraction remained almost constant through the remainder of the experiment. It was as if the “set point” for emmetropia was determined during the first week. One possible explanation for this is that the small refractive error changes were within the depth of focus of the chick's eye, so there was no need for the refraction to change. However, the eye length continued to change in a predictable manner after exposure to color and luminance flicker and during the recovery periods, suggesting the eye length was still responding to an error signal.
When color and luminance contrast were combined, as in B/Y Color and Color + LUM, the refractive changes were similar, but the eye length changes were dependent on the relative amounts of color and luminance contrast. Both conditions produced only very small refractive shifts, suggesting that the presence of color contrast inhibited the strong hyperopic response seen with LUM. However, the eye length changes in Color + LUM were smaller than those in B/Y Color, probably because of the weaker color signal in Color + LUM than in B/Y. Alternatively, it may be that the R/G opponent mechanism plays a more important role in emmetropization than the B/Y opponent mechanism, as suggested for accommodation by Fincham (
1953), and the smaller color signal in Color + LUM is sufficient to maintain refraction. Either way, these results suggest that eye growth is sensitive to the relative amounts of luminance and chromatic contrast.
During recovery, there was a general increase in eye length in all conditions, although chicks exposed to luminance flicker showed a much greater rate of ocular elongation. The general increase in eye length was possibly due to the longer period of daylight, as the light duration increased from 8 to 14 hours. The increase in eye length in chicks that had been exposed to luminance flicker was most likely compensating for the previously induced hyperopia, but since the refraction remained fairly constant, other components such as choroidal thickness must also be changing.
There was a strong correlation between eye length changes and choroidal changes that may explain the sustained refractions. When color and luminance contrast were available, the eye was able to compensate for up to 88% of the eye length changes by changing choroidal thickness.
Figure 9 shows the correlation between changes in choroidal thickness and eye length during the first week of exposure for both right and left eyes. Although the eye length increased in all birds and most of the choroids thinned during the three-day exposure period, eyes that showed the least increase in eye length also showed the most choroidal thinning, and vice versa. We find it unlikely that the choroidal responses in this experiment were direct responses to the flickering light because we saw no choroidal changes after three hours of flicker exposure. The adjustment of the choroid in response to luminance and chromatic contrast appears to be an almost perfect method of maintaining refraction despite perturbations in the visual environment, and probably reflects the faster initial choroidal response to induced refractive errors.
The results of this experiment present more evidence of the dissociation of the choroidal and eye-length responses that have been found in earlier experiments. Winawer and Wallman (
2002) found that when chicks were exposed to brief episodes of positive lens wear, eye growth was inhibited but choroids did not thicken, and brief episodes of negative lens wear caused choroidal thinning without eye elongation. Weak diffusers caused similar effects. Park, Winawer, and Wallman (
2003) and McLean and Wallman (
2003) found that when weak diffusers were worn over positive lenses, there was an increase in eye length inhibition without choroidal thickening. A similar dissociation has also been seen in nerve-sectioned chicks. Chicks that underwent optic nerve section or ciliary nerve section showed choroidal thickening that was associated with an increase in eye growth rather than the usual decrease (Wildsoet,
2003). These results may indicate that the choroidal response responds to different stimuli through different neural pathways than the eye length response.
The reduction in the induced hyperopia in the Color + LUM condition could have arisen because the eye was able to detect the color component, but it could also have arisen from a reduction in luminance contrast. To control for this, we compared Low LUM with Color + LUM conditions and found some differences in the results. Refractions were similar in both conditions after the first exposure, but hyperopia was only maintained during the recovery period in the Low LUM condition, and there was greater choroidal thinning in Low LUM during the exposure. These differences indicate that the eye was able to detect the presence of the small amount of color in the combined Color + LUM stimulus and that the eye was not simply responding to the reduction in luminance contrast.
Our results suggest that the chick eye uses a color signal to guide emmetropization. The chick eye could infer whether it was myopic or hyperopic by determining whether changes in either color or luminance contrast were stronger when the plane of focus shifted. Such shifts could occur if the state of accommodation changed, which occurs in humans continuously to a small degree, even when viewing distant objects (Charman & Heron,
1988). More plausibly, larger shifts in the plane of focus might be employed as the eye changes its direction of gaze, encountering objects at different distances. In this situation, the changes in color and luminance contrasts would be complicated by changes provoked by the different objects viewed. One can assume, however, that the environment of most neonates does not change dramatically over time, with the consequence that the long-term average of the changes in color and luminance contrasts would still be informative of whether the eye was myopic or hyperopic. Of course, if the eye is not generally viewing distant objects, one encounters the calibration conundrum that complicates any hypothesis of emmetropization: how can a near-viewing eye discern when emmetropia is reached? One solution would be that the visual system offsets the set point of emmetropization by the habitual viewing distance of the neonate. Alternatively, the calibration might be associated with the calibration of the distance of objects that are pecked at (in birds) or reached for (in primates). In chicks, accommodation is used to determine pecking distance (Schaeffel, Troilo, Wallman, & Howland,
1990), just as it is in chameleons (Harkness,
The results of this experiment confirm that the eye can determine defocus not only by maximizing luminance contrast and by comparing cone contrast between the different cone types, but also by determining whether there are changes in color or luminance contrast as the eye changes focus.