When individuals reach for an object in the environment, the movement characteristics of their arm and hand will often depend on whether the target object is in view or not. For example, when looking at a coffee cup while reaching for it, the real-time visual image of the cup may be used to guide the action. However, turning away from a coffee cup prior to reaching for it precludes the use of immediate visual information, and a perceptual memory of the target characteristics must be used instead to guide the action. Behavioral studies have reliably shown that hand and arm kinematics vary between these action types, with the latter (memory-guided) actions tending to be slower and less accurate (Goodale, Jakobson, & Keillor,
1994). According to the influential perception-action model of Goodale & Milner (
1992), visually guided actions are performed under the control of dorsal stream mechanisms in parietal cortex. However, this model also predicts that actions initiated in the absence of a visual target are influenced by mechanisms in the ventral stream, particularly those associated with inferior temporal cortex (Goodale,
1998). The perception-action model further suggests that a shift from dorsal to ventral activation is required when a target is unavailable, in order for previously stored perceptual representations to inform the motor plan (Westwood & Goodale,
2003). Converging neuropsychological, neuroimaging, and kinematic findings support this theory. For example, visual-form agnosia patient D.F., who has bilateral damage to her lateral occipital cortex (LOC) in the ventral stream, is perceptually compromised (James, Culham, Humphrey, Milner, & Goodale,
2003) but can guide her actions appropriately when the target object is in full view, presumably due to her intact dorsal stream (Milner et al.,
2001; Goodale, Milner, Jakobson, & Carey,
1991). These authors argue that D.F. is unable to correctly perform actions to disappearing targets because the damage to her ventral stream prevents perception of the object in the first place, and she cannot draw on the necessary perceptual information to act when the object is no longer in full view. Additional evidence for this perspective comes from behavioral studies that have shown that while visually guided actions are resistant to pictorial illusions, those that require previously stored perceptual representations are not. Erroneous perceptual information appears to influence behavior following a delay (Hu & Goodale,
2000; Westwood, Dubrowski, Carnahan, & Roy,
2000; Westwood, McEachern, & Roy,
2001; Ganel, Tanzer, & Goodale,
2008). Furthermore, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) findings have shown that lateral occipital cortex (LOC) is re-activated in the action phase of a reaching and grasping paradigm when actions are performed without vision of a target (Singhal, Kaufman, Valyear, & Culham,
2006), and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) “virtual lesions” of LOC disrupts grasping when the object is visually unavailable, compared to when it is (Cohen, Cross, Tunik, Grafton, & Culham,
2009). Taken together, these studies suggest that when vision of a target is precluded, the motor program must rely on previously stored perceptual information in ventral stream regions.