A different perspective from ours was taken by studies asking whether the MAE could result from the efference copy of the oculomotor signal on its own (Chaudhuri,
1991; Davies & Freeman,
2011; Freeman,
2007; Freeman & Sumnall,
2005; Freeman et al.,
2003). All these studies have suggested that the degree of MAE generated during smooth pursuit is linked to the repetitive SPEM (pursuit followed by a saccade back to the starting location, followed by pursuit, etc.). Chaudhuri (
1991) suggested a postadaptation oculomotor mechanism in which after the repetitive SPEM stop, they give rise to residual nystagmus eye movements that must be suppressed for correct fixation. This suppression can generate the MAE. Another possible oculomotor source of MAE was suggested to occur already at the time of adaptation, where oculomotor signals directly cause the adaptation of cortical visual areas (Freeman & Sumnall,
2005). Both Chaudhuri (
1991) and Freeman & Sumnall (
2005) asked subjects to track a small pursuit target with repetitive SPEM without any visible background and measured the direction of MAE using a static central fixation point. Contrary to our findings in the control PO condition, both studies report a MAE under these conditions. The spatial specificity of the MAEs reported in these studies and here may provide a clue to their source: the MAE induced by visual inputs is mostly restricted to the specific portion of the retina exposed to motion (Knapen, Rolfs, & Cavanagh,
2009; Swanston,
1994). Conversely, the oculomotor MAE is not retinotopic (Davies & Freeman,
2011). In Chaudhuri's (
1991) and Freeman and Sumnall's (
2005) studies, the central-dot test stimulus appeared exactly at the same location as the adapting stimulus. Therefore, the test stimulus location was centered on the exact retinal area that was adapted by the visual pursuit target. Hence, the MAE could have resulted also from a visual effect (as in our Screen condition) and not only from an oculomotor (extraretinal) one. In contrast, in our PO experiment the test stimulus was a large-field dot array that did not overlap with the adapting stimulus' location (in the fovea). Due to the spatial specificity of the visual MAE we could test the oculomotor MAE separately. It is important to note first that there are other differences between our experimental setting and the ones used in Chaudhuri's (
1991) and Freeman & Sumnall's (
2005) studies that might contribute to these conflicting results. Among these are the use of static vs. dynamic test stimuli, the testing procedure, the different size and location of the retinal region exposed to adaptation, etc. Second, in a different experiment in Freeman & Sumnall's (
2005) study, a MAE without overlap between adaptation and test stimuli was observed. However, this was done using an adapting parafoveal dot array which elicited
look nystagmus eye movements (rather than a single central dot and SPEM, as in our case). All in all, the lack of a significant MAE in the PO condition suggests that in our experimental setup SPEM per se cannot cause adaptation and therefore cannot explain our spatiotopic and retinotopic MAEs (though it is important to note that the oculomotor-related signal is crucial for the formation of the spatiotopic representation of motion).