To quantify the precision by which humans maintain prolonged fixation, we estimated the probability density function of gaze position in 14 observers, 11 of whom had no previous experience with experiments requiring sustained fixation (untrained group). Subjects were instructed to fixate as accurately as possible at the center of a cathode ray tube (CRT) display in the presence or in the absence of a fixation marker (marker and no-marker conditions, respectively). In both conditions, the edges of the monitor were clearly visible.
Figure 2 shows the probability density function of gaze position for each individual observer. The parameters describing these distributions are reported in
Table 1. In the marker condition, the span of fixation—the area containing the line of sight with 0.75 probability—had a mean of 367 arcmin
2 and a standard deviation of 251 arcmin
2 (
Figure 2a). The average span of the untrained group was more than three times larger than the span of the experienced observers (trained group: 132 arcmin
2; untrained group: 431 arcmin
p = 0.065, unpaired t-test). The fixation span varied across subjects by a factor of 14: the value for the most stable subject (WW, a trained observer) was 71 arcmin
2, while the least stable subject (DG) had a value of 994 arcmin
2. Several observers exhibited roughly circular probability distributions, as quantified by the symmetry index (SI) in
Table 1 (SI close to 1). Radial symmetry was particularly pronounced in observers FP and LR. However, in a considerable group of subjects the distribution of gaze position was more elliptical, an effect which was evident in subjects MG and DK. For this latter group of subjects, the primary axis of dispersion of gaze position also varied; it was horizontal (
θ close to 0°) in several (CC, MG, and DK), but not all observers (e.g., DR, CM).
Figure 2b shows the dispersion of gaze measured in the same subjects when they maintained fixation at the center of the monitor without a fixation marker. Fixation accuracy deteriorated drastically in this condition, yielding an average span of 1281 arcmin
2 (
p < 0.001, paired t-test), a factor of 4 higher than the span measured in the presence of the marker. This deterioration in stability occurred for both experienced and inexperienced observers (average span trained group: 773 arcmin
2; untrained group: 1419 arcmin
2). However, the exact amount by which the fixation span increased varied substantially across observers, from a ratio of 1.45 in subject DG to 9 in subject FP. The resulting area ranged from a minimum of 305 arcmin
2 (subject WW) to a maximum of 2370 arcmin
2 (subject MG). This enlargement of the probability distribution of gaze position was not the result of a simple rescaling of the function measured during fixation on a marker. For three observers (DR, EW, MG), the gaze distribution became more circular, whereas it was more elongated for all the others. Stretching of the distribution along one axis was particularly evident for observers CC and LR. Even though the dispersion of gaze enlarged in a complex and idiosyncratic way during fixation on a uniform field, the precision of fixation in the two conditions (marker and no-marker) was highly correlated (
r = 0.6,
p < 0.03).
Figure 2c and
d show the cumulative probability functions of gaze position (the probability that the line of sight was within a given area) averaged across all observers in each group. These graphs summarize the enlargement in the span of fixation caused by the removal of the marker. For comparison,
Figure 2c and
d also show the average area that would have been estimated in the untrained group using the traditional method of the confidence ellipse (Nachmias,
1959). Estimates obtained with this method differed substantially from the direct measurements of the fixational area, an effect that was particularly pronounced in the no-marker condition. These differences occurred because the 2D distributions of gaze position deviated from normality. In both conditions, all marginal distributions on both the
x and
y axis were significantly different from normal distributions (
p < 0.001; Jarque-Bera test).
Figure 3 and
Table 2 show the characteristics of the saccades recorded in the experiments. During fixation on a marker, the mean rate across all observers was 1.32 saccades/s with a standard deviation of 0.5 saccades/s. Experienced observers performed less saccades than inexperienced ones (trained group: 0.81 saccades/s; untrained group: 1.47 saccades/s;
p < 0.04, unpaired t-test). The mean saccadic amplitude was 20′ with a standard deviation of 7′, with little difference between the two groups (trained group: 17′; untrained group: 20′;
p = 0.43, unpaired t-test). Saccade characteristics varied considerably across observers. The rate ranged from 0.44 saccades/s (subject DR) to 2.29 saccades/s (subject LR). Five observers executed less than one saccade per second (subjects DR, CM, CC, NF, and EW), and only one observer performed more than two saccades per second (subject LR). The average saccadic amplitude ranged from a minimum of 8′ (subject WW) to a maximum of 31′ (subject MG). As previously observed (Engbert & Kliegl,
2003), saccades were frequently on the horizontal axis (angle of the main axis of dispersion,
θ, close to 0° or 180° in
Table 2). However, saccades occurred in all directions, and the main axis of the distribution was tilted in several subjects (e.g., NF, CK, EW). The rate and amplitude of saccades were not correlated (
r = −0.02,
p > 0.95).
Removal of the fixation marker affected saccades in two important ways (
Figure 3b). First, in agreement with a previous study (Poletti & Rucci,
2010), the rate of saccades decreased significantly during fixation on a uniform field (mean rate: 1.07 saccades/s;
p < 0.05, paired t-test), an effect almost exclusively caused by the inexperienced observers (mean rate untrained group: 1.12 saccades/s;
p < 0.005). Seven out of 14 observers now executed less than one microsaccade per second. Second, the average amplitude of saccades increased in every observer yielding a mean amplitude of 40′ (
p < 0.005, paired t-test) and now ranged from a minimum of 17′ (subject WW) to a maximum of 67′ (subject CC). The increment of saccadic amplitude was similar in the two groups of subjects (mean amplitude trained group: 37′; untrained group: 41′). On average across subjects, removal of the fixation marker, led to a much broader distribution of saccade amplitudes, with the 75th and the 95th percentiles equal to 51′ and 75′, respectively (
Figure 3b). These modulations of both rate and amplitude show that the visual feedback given by the presence of the fixation marker influenced the production of saccades. Interestingly, both amplitude (
r = 0.78,
p = 0.001) and rate (
r = 0.79,
p < 0.005) were highly correlated between the two conditions (marker and no-marker), indicating that observers with different saccade characteristics were similarly affected by the removal of the fixation marker.
The characteristics of ocular drift were quantified by means of two parameters: instantaneous velocity and index of curvature (
Figure 4 and
Table 3; see
Methods). During fixation on the marker, the instantaneous speed of ocular drift (the modulus of the speed velocity vector,
Figure 4a) was on average 52′/s and varied approximately by a factor of 3 across observers: from 30′/s for subject DR (a highly experienced subject) to 89′/s for subject DG. It was slightly higher for the inexperienced observers than for the experienced ones, a difference that did not reach statistical significance (mean instantaneous drift speed in the untrained group: 56′/s; trained group: 40′/s;
p = 0.16, unpaired t-test). The actual 2D distributions of drift velocity differed substantially across observers (
Figure 4c). Several subjects exhibited a downward vertical bias in the direction of drift (e.g., subjects FP, NF, DK, MG). Others, instead, possessed bidirectional (subjects WW, CK, DG) or almost circular (subjects EW, CC) distributions.
Drift episodes were highly curved with very few periods of unidirectional motion (
Figure 4b). The average index of curvature was 0.65 and was again slightly higher in the trained group (untrained group average: 0.62; trained group: 0.73;
p = 0.056, unpaired t-test). Also the index of curvature varied considerably across observers, ranging from 0.47 for subject DK to 0.79 for subject WW, another highly experienced observer. Drift speed and curvature were not correlated (
r = 0.05;
p > 0.85). However, these two parameters exhibited high correlations with saccade variables. The instantaneous drift speed was significantly correlated with the saccade rate (
r = 0.62;
p < 0.02), and the drift curvature possessed a negative correlation with the saccade amplitude, which was very close to significance (
r = −0.5;
p = 0.066). Thus, saccades were more frequent in subjects with faster drift and were larger in subjects with less self-compensatory drift.
Figures 4d through f show the characteristics of drift in the no-marker condition. Although changes were more subtle than for saccades, removal of the fixation marker also had a systematic influence on the characteristics of ocular drift. Both drift speed and index of curvature were very highly correlated in the marker and no-marker conditions (speed:
r = 0.95,
p < 0.001; curvature:
r = 0.87,
p < 0.001), showing that subjects maintained their individual drift characteristics. However, the average drift speed increased without a marker (mean speed: 57 ± 21′/s;
p < 0.05, paired t-test), an effect that was highly consistent across observers (
Figure 4d). Furthermore, in almost all subjects, the directional distribution of drift velocity became more stretched in the absence of a marker (
Figure 4f), so that a clear preferred direction now emerged even in the observers who did not exhibit a bias during fixation on the marker (e.g., subjects EW, CC). Drift was also less curved without the marker (mean curvature: 0.58 ± 0.12;
p < 0.05, paired t-test.
Figure 4e). These results are compatible with previous findings (Nachmias,
1961) and support the proposal that drift is, at least in part, under active control of the oculomotor system (Steinman et al.,
The data in
Figures 3 through
4 indicate that the maintenance of fixation is the result of a cooperation between ocular drift and saccades. This effect was particularly evident in subjects with a pronounced bias in the direction of ocular drift for whom saccades were often compensatory (e.g., DR, NF). To quantify this interaction, we examined the direction in which an oculomotor event (a microsaccade or a drift period) moved the line of sight relative to the event that immediately preceded it (a drift period or a microsaccade). During fixation on the marker, the distribution of angular differences between saccades and preceding periods of drift was significantly skewed toward 180° (
Figure 5a). That is, saccades were significantly more likely to move the eye in the direction opposite to that of the preceding period of drift than in the same direction (mean compensation index: 0.24,
p < 0.05). This effect was also present in the no-marker condition (mean compensation index: 0.13,
p < 0.05;
Figure 5b), but it was significantly less pronounced than during fixation on the marker (
p < 0.05, paired t-test;
Figure 5e).
As shown in
Figure 5c, in the marker condition, a period of drift was also more likely to move the eye in the direction opposite to that of the preceding saccade than in its same direction (mean compensation index: 0.23,
p < 0.05). However, this effect was not influenced by the presence/absence of the fixation marker, and the angular distributions in the two conditions were very similar (
Figure 5d). It should be noted that this effect was not caused by possible post-saccadic artifacts in the recordings, as results were virtually unaffected by excluding from data analysis the first 50 ms of each inter-saccadic segment. Thus, these data suggest that saccades and drifts tend to counteract each other during fixation.
The considerable intersubject variability in the data shown in
Figures 2 through
4 suggests that the precision of fixation of each observer was limited by their individual characteristics of eye movements. To better investigate this point, for each subject, we examined how the dispersion of gaze position in a single trial varied as a function of the four considered oculomotor variables (saccade rate, saccade amplitude, drift speed, and drift curvature; see
Methods). The results in
Table 4 show that a multiple linear regression model was quite successful in predicting the area of fixational instability across trials. In the marker condition, the dispersion of gaze was primarily determined by the characteristics of saccades in eight subjects, and by the characteristics of drift in the remaining six. These changes in the weight allocation to the four oculomotor variables confirm that the relative contributions of drift and saccades varied across subjects. In the no-marker condition, the characteristics of saccades were most influential in determining the span of fixation in all observers but two. Thus, saccades contributed more to the dispersion of gaze in the absence of the fixational marker than in its presence, suggesting again that saccades were less accurate without a clear fixation target.
Finally, we examined which oculomotor parameter better predicted the precision of fixation across observers. To this end, we estimated the amount of variance in the fixation span explained by linear regression with each of the four considered oculomotor variables. In the marker condition, only the speed of ocular drift yielded a significant regression. This variable gave a good fit of the fixation span (
r2 = 0.56;
p < 0.002.
Figure 6a through
d). That is, observers with faster drifts were also less accurate in maintaining fixation. The mean amplitude of saccades was also close to significance, but accounted for a substantially lower portion of the variance. Results differed in the absence of the fixation marker, a condition in which drift speed was no longer significantly correlated with the span of fixation (
Figure 6e through
h). In this condition, two other variables became relevant: saccadic amplitude and drift curvature. These two variables were strongly anti-correlated (
r = −0.53,
p < 0.05), and both of them gave good fits of the fixation span, particularly drift curvature. Thus, knowledge of drift characteristics was a good predictor of the accuracy of fixation across observers also in the no-marker condition.