Philipona and O'Regan's (
2006) biological model is built on the assumption that the human vision system must attempt to extract the reflection properties of surfaces in the world independently of ambient lighting conditions. In other words, it must try to deliver a canonical, biological representation of reflectance.
Physicists achieve this task by defining the notion of “reflectance function” linking incident light energy at a particular wavelength to reflected light energy at that wavelength. Because the majority of surfaces only absorb or reflect light energy at a given wavelength, and do not redistribute energy in other wavelengths, physicists can define reflectance at a given wavelength
λ as a scalar
λ) attenuation between 0 and 1, and write a simple linear relation linking incident light energy
λ) at wavelength
λ to reflected light energy
λ) at that wavelength:
so that the physical reflectance of a surface is simply the ratio of reflected to incident light at each wavelength.
Unlike physicists, who can measure energy at each monochromatic wavelength using a spectroradiometer, information accessible to the brain is blurred over the breadth of wavelengths that the human L, M, and S cone types are sensitive to. It is now no longer true that the effect of the surface on incident light can be expressed simply as an attenuation of energy within each of these broad bands. However, Philipona and O'Regan show that it is still possible to define a “biological” reflectance measure that links the information accessible to the brain about the incident light, to the information accessible to the brain about the reflected light in a way analogous to physicists'
Equation 1.
The information accessible to the brain about an illuminant
λ) is the vector corresponding to the responses of the three cone types to that illuminant:
t denotes the transpose of the vector,
λ) for
i = 1,2,3 define the absorption of the three human cone types at each wavelength
λ, and we integrate over the visible spectrum
The information accessible to the brain about the reflected light is the vector corresponding to the responses of the three cone types to the reflected light from the surface:
λ) is the physicist's reflectance function for the surface
Philipona and O'Regan now show the at first sight surprising result that for any surface
λ) there exists a
3×3 matrix
As which is independent of the illuminant
e and very accurately describes the way the surface transforms the accessible information about any incident light into the accessible information about reflected light:
As is the
3×3 matrix best taking
ps,e (for any illuminant
e) to
we in a least-squares sense. Philipona and O'Regan studied the validity of such an equation for a very large number of natural and artificial illuminants, and for a very large number of colored surfaces. In fact, the result is analytically true if incoming illumination is of dimensionality 3, that is, if it can be described as a weighted sum of three basis functions (Philipona & O'Regan,
2006). Since this is known to be true to a good approximation for daylights (Judd et al.,
1964), the equation is very accurate.
Equation 4 is the biological analogue of the physicist's relation (1), but because it is written in terms of vectors and matrices instead of scalars, Philipona and O'Regan could not immediately invert it by dividing the vector
ps,e by the vector
we to obtain the biological equivalent of the physicist's reflectance in
Equation 1. Philipona and O'Regan were able to do something similar however by first diagonalizing the matrix
As, that is, writing it as the product (
−1Ds Ts, where
Ds is a diagonal matrix, and
Ts is a transformation matrix. In that case
Equation 4 becomes
so that
Ts operating on
ps,e and
we maps these vectors into a basis where the accessible information matrix is diagonal. Because of the linearity of the integrals, the same effect can be achieved if instead of using the usual L, M, and S cones, we used a set of “virtual” sensors obtained precisely by taking this linear combination
Ts of the cone responses:
(Note we are using Greek letters to denote virtual sensors.) Then we can write, in terms of the virtual responses
ρs,e and
Let us denote the
ith component of the diagonal matrix
Ds as
ris giving
Thus, by considering the virtual, recomposed sensors instead of the eye's actual LMS responses,
Equation 10 defines a biological reflectance notion analogous to the physicist's reflectance defined in
Equation 1 for each wavelength. For any surface, instead of having a reflectance function defined at every wavelength, we have a biological reflectance defined by three reflectance coefficients
ris, each being the ratio of reflected to incident light within one of the three virtual wavelength bands defined for
i = 1,2,3.
Here we see the link with Retinex theory, in which Land (
1964) proposed a similar definition of surface color. He called the sensor response triplet for light from a given surface divided by the triplet of responses for light from a perfect white reflectance (which is equivalent to taking the incident light itself) a
color designator. The difference in Land's approach is that he used LMS responses, hoping that color designators would be approximately independent of illumination. Philipona and O'Regan, on the other hand, used responses of the recomposed virtual sensors defined for each surface by
The Ts found by Philipona and O'Regan will typically map the cone sensor functions into virtual sensors which have more concentrated support in certain wavelength regions: they are LMS type sensors but appear spectrally sharper than the cones. Because of this property they will more nearly have the property that the associated color designators are independent of illumination.
And here we see also the link to spectral sharpening. In spectral sharpening various algorithms are designed to make the reflectance term of
Equation 10 as independent of illumination as possible (Chong, Gortler, & Zickler,
2007; Finlayson, Drew, & Funt,
1994b). However, unlike the Philipona and O'Regan work, which returns biological color reflectance terms using a different transformation matrix
Ts for each surface, spectral sharpening seeks a single transformation for all surfaces and lights. One of the main contributions of this paper is to show that we can use a single, carefully chosen, transformation
T and predict unique hue and color naming data equally well as the Philipona and O'Regan approach which used a per surface transformation
Ts. Thus, and this is a significant improvement over the original work, we need not know the surface we are looking at in order to apply the theory.
A second step in the Philipona and O'Regan formulation concerns their singularity index. Philipona and O'Regan calculated their biological reflectance coefficients for the set of Munsell chips used in the World Color Survey and noted that in certain cases, one or two of the three Philipona and O'Regan reflectance coefficients were close to zero. They called surfaces with this property “singular,” because they have the exceptional property of absorbing all light in one or two of the three bands defined by the virtual sensors. Such chips in some sense behave in a “simpler” fashion than other chips, because the variability of light reflected off them can be described within one or two bands, instead of needing three bands of light to be described, as is usually the case. An implication of the biological reflectance triple having two zeros (or two values close to 0) is that under different lights only one of the virtual responses changes. For example, a red surface with a biological reflectance triple of (1,0,0) implies a response under different lights of (k,0,0). That is, in the sense that variability is restricted to a plane or a line in 3-dimensional color space, one could say that such chips are in some sense more stable under changes of illumination, and might be easier to characterize, leading to their being more frequently designated as focal.
Philipona and O'Regan's singularity index took the biological reflectance triple
rs and sorted its elements in descending order. It then calculated the 2-vector
k1 and
k2 are respectively the maximum first and second beta components over a set of surfaces, Philipona and O'Regan's singularity index for a given surface was defined as:
SPO is large when one or more of the Philipona and O'Regan biological reflectance components are relatively very small. Philipona and O'Regan's hypothesis was that large singularity would correspond to colors that would be likely to be given a focal name in a given culture. Indeed, Philipona and O'Regan showed that this was the case: a strong correlation was found between the
SPO of
Equation 12 and the frequency with which colors in the WCS dataset are considered prototypical in different cultures. Philipona and O'Regan also extended their analysis to the question of unique hues and demonstrated that the singularity index could predict the position of the wavelengths for unique hues found classically in color psychophysics.