To measure MAE strength,
Hiris & Blake (1992) introduced a nulling paradigm based on stimuli developed by
Newsome & Paré (1988). The idea was that signal dots moving coherently against a background of noise dots could be used to null the MAE so that the final percept looked like isotropic noise (random dynamic visual noise [RDVN]): the nulling percentage of signal dots was taken as a direct measure of MAE strength. According to authors
Blake & Hiris (1993, p. 1591), using this technique would make it “quite simple to manipulate potentially interesting variables such as speed or dot density while still varying signal strength.” However, when we started our preliminary investigations along these lines, a few unexpected difficulties arose. The aim of this work is to understand these potential problems and show that this technique is indeed a useful means for measuring the MAE, provided these problems are taken into account.
In all experiments, we measured a coherence threshold (i.e., the threshold percentage allowing motion detection of the coherent signal dots without prior adaptation) for the different conditions investigated. This aimed at ensuring that conditions which elevated nulling percentages did not actually produce a decreased effectiveness of the signal dots (
Barlow & Tripathy, 1997).
We have first shown that increasing the dot density of the test stimulus increases nulling percentages. This effect is, however, difficult to interpret in terms of MAE strength mainly because adapting with a low density and testing with a high density still entail large nulling percentages. Moreover, this effect is not the consequence of the diminished efficiency of the signal dots at higher densities. We interpret this finding as evidence that MAE strength is underestimated with low-density test stimuli, whereas it is more properly measured with high densities. At low densities, we assume that nulling percentages (about twice the motion coherence threshold in Experiment 1) reflect a motion transparency threshold that is reached, although the MAE is not completely cancelled. In this case, observers report that the test stimulus does not really look like isotropic noise but rather like two sets of dots transparently moving over noise dots. This would result from the low probability of signal dots being spatially paired with the noise dots that elicit MAE activity (
Qian et al., 1994). At high densities, however, the probability of these spatial pairings is higher so that motion transparency thresholds are significantly increased (
Mestre et al., 2001). Consequently, a greater proportion of noise dots eliciting MAE activity can now be nulled by signal dots without producing motion transparency. This entails larger nulling percentages, which should provide less underestimated measurements of MAE strength. These findings concerning the effect of density have two consequences for future MAE studies, based on this nulling technique. First, as a rule of thumb, it is recommended to use test stimuli having the highest density possible to increase the sensitivity of the nulling method. Second, results from MAE studies using this nulling technique should be compared only insofar as they have the same density. More generally, as indicated in the “Introduction,” factors that tend to favor spatial integration of scattered motion signals (vs. segregation) should not be confused with factors that influence MAE strength.
We then tried to establish whether adapting and testing with a low speed entails strong or weak MAEs when using the RDVN nulling technique. The question arose because
Hiris & Blake (1992) reported very strong MAEs with slow-speed patterns (2 °/s), whereas our preliminary investigations showed only weak MAEs with a similar speed (1.5 °/s) and apparently similar conditions. We have shown that
Hiris & Blake’s (1992) finding, i.e., large nulling percentages (about 40%), holds only if the motion of the test dots is spatio-temporally aliased. This result, however, does not reflect a strong MAE but rather the very low efficiency of signal dots as indicated by high-coherence thresholds. Weak MAEs are also observed with slow-speed nonaliased motion (1.5 °/s) presented in the fovea. Altogether, low-speed stimuli presented in the fovea, whether aliased or nonaliased, produce nulling percentages that are only 1–4 times as large as their corresponding coherence thresholds.
At moderately larger eccentricities (7°), nulling percentages are now 15 times as large as the coherence thresholds (still using a 1.5 °/s speed). At first sight, this dramatic increase may appear in conflict with previous results showing that MAE strength decreases with eccentricity (
van de Grind et al., 1994). However, MAE strength in this latter study was assessed with a static test stimulus. To accommodate both findings, we propose to interpret them in the light of recent convergent findings pointing out that the nature of the test stimulus, either static or dynamic, is an important factor in assessing the characteristics of MAE (e.g.,
Ashida & Osaka, 1995;
Nishida & Sato, 1995). In one line of research, it was shown that the direction of the MAE of transparent motion, or the MAE duration, as a measure of adaption, is highly dependent on the kind of test pattern used (
Verstraten et al., 1998;
van der Smagt et al., 1999;
Verstraten et al., 1999;
van de Grind et al., 2001). This has been interpreted as evidence that two types of motion detectors, tuned to fast and slow speeds (
Anderson & Burr, 1985), have independent roles when a MAE is experienced. When the test pattern optimally activates high-speed units, the MAE will reveal the adaptation state of only these units. In contrast, a static test pattern will produce an aftereffect that will mainly depend on the degree of adaptation of low-speed units. Based on this framework, we have proposed that the increase of MAE strength with eccentricity occurs in our work because the test stimulus is dynamic and thus preferentially reveals the activity of high-speed units. Because the prevalence of high-speed units increases with eccentricity (
van de Grind et al., 1986), high-speed energy available in the dynamic test stimulus is more likely to produce MAEs in the periphery. Conversely, as low-speed units become scarcer in the periphery, measuring MAE strength with a static test should preferentially reveal adaptation of low-speed units. This would explain why weaker MAEs are observed when eccentricity is increased (
van de Grind et al., 1994).
Finally, we propose that the biased DVN nulling method could be fruitfully used to confirm and refine the hypothesis of the Dutch group that two different populations of motion detectors have independent roles in generating the MAE. We believe that the underpinnings of the dichotomy between static and dynamic stimuli need further investigation. Notably, a few questions are still unclear regarding the key finding that using a dynamic test pattern yields strong MAEs for adaptation speeds that are much higher than those reported when using a static test pattern (
Verstraten et al., 1998). In this latter study, as in all relevant studies of this group, it is important to note that the dynamic test stimulus is a high-density array of pixels flickering between black and white at high rates, thus containing motion energy within a broad band of velocities. It is unknown whether the advantage of dynamic test stimuli resides in the large range of speeds they contain, or in the presence of certain particular high speeds. It seems that the DVN nulling method could be efficiently used to tackle this issue. The reason is that the spectrum of the test stimulus is restricted around its nominal velocity as all the dots move at the same speed. Thus, the adaptation speed and the test speed can be independently varied so that their mutual relationships could be investigated in an extensive parametric study. One prediction is that the biased DVN test stimulus should be rendered more dynamic by increasing its speed. Our own preliminary measurements indeed show that moderately increasing speed of both adaptation and test stimuli dramatically increases MAE strength: at 6 °/s, nulling percentages are about 10 times as large as coherence thresholds (vs. ratios of 2–4 at 1.5 °/s).
In summary, the biased DVN nulling paradigm cannot be regarded as an easy-to-use procedure to assess MAE strength. As Anstis writes (
Anstis, 1986), “The MAE, like piano music, is easy to record badly but hard to record well.” With the introduction of this new nulling technique, it seemed that this recording problem was solved. However, as with other nulling methods, some difficulties must be overcome, and we have tried to resolve some of them in this work. One promising line of research with this method would be to better characterize the mechanisms allowing dynamic test stimuli to generate strong MAEs at high speeds.