The signal was a dot moving along a straight trajectory for 200 ms, which was displaced in a consistent direction by 0.17° on each frame. This corresponded to a velocity of 12°/s, given the 71-Hz frame rate of the display monitor. In the signal-known condition, the 200-ms trajectory was centered on fixation and moved in a single direction. We also added stimulus uncertainty in one or more of the following ways: by randomizing the location of the trajectory center to within ±1° of fixation, by having it move in one of 8 directions, and by adding Brownian noise. Each noise dot was displaced by the same amount as the signal on each frame, but its direction was randomly sampled from 360°. In the detection experiments (data of
Figure 1 and
Figure 7), observers were asked to choose which of two intervals contained the signal trajectory.
The luminance of the background was 13.5 cd/m2. Each stimulus dot subtended 2 arc min at a viewing distance of 1 m. The signal dot had a contrast of 54%. In the contrast discrimination experiments, the contrast of the noise dots was one of 5 values centered about 54%, in steps of 21/4 (0.075 log units). These 5 values corresponded to Michelson contrasts of 35.6, 44.9, 54.4, 66.9, and 82.7%. This range of noise values was used so that the contrast increment could not be identified as the brightest dot in the display. We were restricted in the range of contrast increments that could be added to our signal, which limited the highest proportion correct in the added noise conditions to values below 0.9. The display area was a circular region 12.6° in diameter. The number of dots in this area determined the dot density. For the noise experiments, the number of dots was either 190 or 380, corresponding to noise densities of 1.5 or 3 dots/deg2, respectively.
We used a 2-alternative forced choice procedure with two temporal intervals. An auditory cue was presented 80 ms before the trajectory in both intervals to alert the observer to the upcoming stimulus. Both intervals contained the signal trajectory, but one of the intervals had a contrast increment on the trajectory. The increment occurred either in the first 70 ms or in the last 70 ms of the 200-ms trajectory. Increments at the beginning and the end of the trajectory were presented in separate blocks. Observers were asked to choose the interval with the contrast increment. Feedback was provided.
We generated a psychometric function by measuring proportion correct for 4 to 6 values of contrast increment. Data for each contrast increment were taken in a single block of 96 trials. The psychometric function was fit with the uncertainty model (see below) to obtain estimates of the fit parameters. We repeated the measurement of the entire psychometric function (at least once) to obtain error estimates of the fit parameters.
We used an iterative procedure to estimate the maximum likelihood fits of the two parameters of the uncertainty model outlined below to the psychometric functions (proportion correct vs. contrast or motion energy increment). The uncertainty model assumes that the observer monitors multiple detectors
M in each interval. The detectors have a sensitivity
k, and each detector produces a noisy response. The observer finds the largest of these responses in each interval and then chooses the interval with the larger response. Errors arise when the interval without the increment produces a larger response, and the probability of error increases with the number of detectors that the observer monitors. This formulation is based on Pelli’s uncertainty model (
Pelli, 1985). For our 2-interval forced choice task, the probability of choosing the interval with the contrast increment is given by
c is the contrast of the trajectory, Δ
c is the contrast increment
x) is Gaussian probablity density function
x) is the cumulative Gaussian ∫
k is a sensitivity parameter
M is the uncertainty parameter.
We assume that the noisy responses are samples from a Gaussian distribution. When the detector is centered on the contrast increment, the response is a sample from a distribution with a mean at c±Δc, whereas the responses to non-increment contrasts are samples from a distribution centered at c. The variance of this distribution does not represent the variability in response to a single contrast value, but rather the pooled variance across all five noise contrasts. The observer monitors the output of M detectors in each interval and makes a correct choice when the largest response from the increment interval exceeds the largest response from the non-increment interval. There are two components to this correct choice. The first term on the right hand side is the probability that the largest response comes from the detector that sees the contrast increment. This is the probability that a sample from a distribution centered at c±Δc is larger than 2M-1 samples from a distribution centered at c. As the observer monitors M detectors in each temporal interval, there is a total of 2M-1 detectors that see a contrast centered about c, M-1 from the interval with the increment, and M from the other interval. The second term is the probability that the largest response comes from the interval with the increment, but from a detector that does not see the increment. It is the probability that one of the non-increment detectors in the increment interval has the largest response.
We estimated the variability of the parameters k and M in two ways. The errors associated with the fit were obtained from the covariance matrix where the diagonal terms specify the variance of k and M. We also measured the standard deviation of the fits across repeated measurements of the psychometric function. Typically the errors estimated from repeated measurements are much smaller than the errors estimated from the fitting procedure. There is an overall tendency for the sensitivity term k to decrease with noise level, probably due to contrast normalization. Because the parameter M occurs as an exponent in the equation above, very small changes in the steepness of the psychometric function can produce dramatic changes in M. For values of M of the order of 10, the lower and upper bounds on M could be within a factor of 3 (M could range from 3.3 to 30). For values M of the order of 100, the lower and upper bounds could be within a factor of 7. Therefore, we are only interested in an order of magnitude for this parameter.
The experiments with static cues were performed in the standard 200-ms stimulus interval. The noise dots were visible during the entire stimulus interval whereas the oriented static dots appeared 84 ms into the interval, lasted 14 ms, and were immediately followed by a 100-ms trajectory segment. The single large dot was centered at the midpoint of an implicit 100-ms segment preceding the test trajectory. It appeared 42 ms into the stimulus interval, and also lasted 14 ms. The visibility of these static cues was manipulated by adjusting the number of dots in the oriented cue or the size of the single dot cue. All observers required 4 oriented dots in the static string and a single large 6-pixel dot to match the visibility of a 100-ms trajectory segment, for the noise levels that we considered. Observers were presented with two noise intervals, one of which had the trajectory and cue. Observers were asked to choose the interval with the trajectory, and detectability was measured as a function of the noise density.
The authors and three observers who were naïve about the outcome of the experiments participated in these studies. The research followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from the observers after explanation of the nature and possible consequences of the study. The research protocol and consent form were approved by the Institutional Review Board.