The stimuli were displayed on a Sony F500 color monitor, controlled by a VSG 2/4 graphics board with Gamma corrected look-up tables. A personal computer controlled the experiment and recorded the subjects’ responses. Subjects used a chin rest to stabilize head movements and viewed the stimulus in a dimly illuminated room. Viewing was binocular, at a distance of 70 cm.
We use the color space introduced by
Derrington, Krauskopf, & Lennie (1984) (DKL color space) to define our stimuli, as illustrated in
Figure 1. This space is a linear transformation of the space of photoreceptor quantum catches. At the origin is an equal energy white point. In the horizontal plane, there are two chromatic axes (L-M and S-(L+M)), as well as a luminance axis orthogonal to these. The four color directions defined by these two axes are often called “cardinal” directions. The two chromatic axes define an isoluminant plane. Modulation along the L-M axis leaves the excitation of the S-cones constant, and the excitation of the L- and M-cones covary as to keep their sum constant. Along the S-(L+M) axis, only the S-cones’ excitation changes. Along the luminance axis, the excitations of all three cones vary in proportion to their values at the white point. A stimulus in this space can be represented by a vector and can be defined by three coordinates. Its
azimuth is defined as the angle formed by its projection on the isoluminant plane and the L-M axis, which determines the component of hue. Its
elevation is defined as the angle it forms with its projection onto the isoluminant plane, which determines the component of luminance. Its
amplitude is represented by the vector’s length. The relative scaling of the axes is arbitrary. We chose to scale the axes so that the largest excursion possible in any direction on our display monitor corresponds to a contrast of 1. Pilot experiments were used to determine the subjects’ thresholds for the detection of 250 randomly oriented dot pairs as a function of the dot color intensity. The intensities of the signal and noise dots used in the experiments were chosen, for each subject, to be equal multiples of the detection threshold. The azimuths of 0 deg/180 deg correspond to the L-M axis, and 270 deg/90 deg to the S-(L+M) axis, respectively. In the following, we qualify for simplicity, the 0 deg direction as red, 180 deg as green, 90 deg as yellow and 270 deg as blue, although these directions do not correspond to the perceptual unique hues