We plot the critical spacing as a function of eccentricity (
Figure 4b) and part size (
Figure 4c). In the fovea, the range of crowding is tiny, only a few minutes of arc (Bouma,
1970), so 1-deg objects like ours would have to overlap to crowd, making it difficult to distinguish effects of crowding from ordinary masking, so, in plotting
Figure 4b, we assume zero critical spacing at 0-deg eccentricity. For all observers, for both caricatures (O) and words (×),
Figure 4b shows that the critical spacing is proportional to viewing eccentricity, with an average slope of 0.34, in agreement with Bouma’s estimate of roughly 0.5, with
R2 ranging from 0.91 to 0.98. This is consistent with the size-scaling results of Mäkelä et al. (2001). They measured threshold contrast for face identification as a function of face size at various eccentricities (0 to 10 deg). Plotting the critical spacing estimated from their results as gray diamonds in
Figure 4b above shows a similar proportionality with eccentricity. The proportionality constant is lower in their results, presumably because their task (identifying the face) was easier than ours (identifying the mouth).
Figure 4c shows that critical spacing is independent of part size, with an average slope of 0.007. We fit a regression line through the data for each observer.
R2 ranges from 0.01 to 0.17. These results show that critical spacing is proportional to eccentricity and independent of size. This is the signature of crowding (Pelli, Palomares, et al.,
2004). In ordinary masking, critical spacing is proportional to size, independent of eccentricity. Finding that separating the parts relieves crowding indicates that face and word recognition requires isolation of the parts. If, instead, crowding occurred between elementary features (e.g., oriented lines), then isolating the facial features or the letters would not suffice to restore recognition.