Although attempts to use the first ERP difference between targets and nontargets as a proxy for the time of object recognition are fairly recent, target-related ERP signals themselves are nothing new. The discovery of one such signal, the P300, in the mid 1960s (Sutton, Braren, Zubin, & John,
1965; Picton,
1992) led to a fruitful period of work in the area in subsequent decades. P300s, which can be elicited in the auditory, visual, or even somatosensory and olfactory modalities (Soltani & Knight,
2000), are typically evoked by inserting rare target stimuli, which are to be counted or responded to, within a sequence of frequent, identical nontarget stimuli, which are to be ignored. A tar-get-related subcomponent of the P300, also known as the P3b (Squires, Squires, & Hillyard,
1975), manifests as a large (often 20 µV) centroparietal positivity on target trials with a peak latency that lies between 300-600 ms after presentation of the target stimulus. The amplitude of the P3b is variable, and difficult or degraded stimuli are known to decrease the amplitude of the signal (Verleger,
1988). Al-though there is disagreement on the issue (Donchin & Coles,
1988), several reports suggest that the latency of the P3b is correlated on a trial-by-trial basis with the subject’s reaction time (e.g., Ritter, Simson, & Vaughan, Jr.,
1972; Kutas, McCarthy, & Donchin,
1977). The P3b is generally accepted to be a postsensory signal; some theorists believe that the P3b is related to stimulus evaluation (Verleger,
1988), whereas others, partly based on the fact that reaction times often precede the peak latency, have suggested that the P3b is related to updating working memory (Donchin & Coles,