The basic task, to fixate a spot target and pursue it when it moved, had three variations. When fixation duration was manipulated, after a period of either 500 ms or 1000 ms, the target moved rightward at 20 deg/s. When target direction was manipulated, the target moved either leftward or rightward at 20 deg/s. When target speed was manipulated, the target moved rightward at 5, 10, or 20 deg/s. In both the direction and speed experiments, fixation duration was 1000 ms. To achieve a greater target excursion for the duration and speed experiments, the fixation position was offset 7 deg left, and the target moved in the opposite direction for 15 deg. For the direction experiments, target motion began in the center on every trial, so subjects could not use initial target position to cue them about the direction of upcoming motion, and the target moved only 10 deg. In all experiments, trial parameters were randomized so that the probability of a given condition occurring was the same for every trial, and each condition occurred a minimum of 25 times within a trial block. In addition, separate control blocks were run in which all parameters were held constant.