More recently, a nonspatial, feature-based form of attentional enhancement has been reported, wherein the activity of neurons tuned to some visual feature of a stimulus (e.g., a given color or direction of motion) is increased throughout the visual field when attention is engaged onto the stimulus. This so-called feature-based attentional modulation has been demonstrated in human functional neuroimaging (Beauchamp, Cox, & DeYoe,
1997; Saenz, Buracas, & Boynton,
2002), monkey electrophysiology (McAdams & Maunsell,
2000; Treue & Martinez-Trujillo,
1999), and human psychophysics (Duncan & Nimmo-Smith,
1996; Saenz, Buracas, & Boynton,
2003; Shih & Sperling,
1996). For example, in a single-unit macaque physiology study, Treue and Martinez-Trujillo (
1999) showed how attending to an upward-moving field of dots on one side of the visual field increased activity in area MT, selectively for neurons tuned to upward motion, although they could have receptive fields in the opposite hemifield from the attended stimulus; however, attending to a downward-moving field of dots did not. In a human psychophysics study, Saenz et al. (
2003) showed how performance on a dual-task was significantly better when human observers divided attention across two spatially separate stimuli and attended to a same feature on both sides (same direction of motion or same color) compared with opposing features. Of particular interest here, Vidnyánszky et al. (
2003) recently suggested that motion after-effect, induced by an ignored field of dots whose dominant motion was carried by dots of a given color, appeared stronger if subjects attended, in a distant aperture of the display, to dots of that color moving in random directions. Hence, feature-based attention seems to affect even task-irrelevant features, in this case, motion, whereas the task-relevant feature was color. Whether the enhancement of task-irrelevant features was comparable to that of task-relevant features, however, was not elucidated.