Each participant performed one verbal and two reachingtasks. Before the trials began, participants were instructed about which partsof the nose and cheek were the targets. So that participants would not bebiased, they were not told to touch the face from the inside or from theoutside, just to approach the target from “the side.” In each task,one of three faces was presented at a distance of 460, 490, or 520 mm from theviewpoint to the center of the face. This range was selected because thestereo-graphics effect began to degrade for faces closer than 460 mm, andparticipants were not able to reach faces further than 520 mm, due theconfiguration of the haptic workspace. Faces were presented in two differentorientations. In half of the trials, the faces were oriented such that theparticipant viewed a normal (convex) face, and in the other half, they viewed ahollow (concave) face. The 36 possible trial types (3 faces × 3 distances × 2targets × 2 orientations) were randomized within trials. The randomization andthe relatively large number of possible trial types make it unlikely thatparticipants were able to guess in which condition they were. In concave trials,the nose was at the same distance from the viewer as the cheek was during convextrials. Likewise, in concave trials, the cheek was at the same distance from theviewer as the nose was during convex trials. The order of tasks (verbal, haptic,and non-haptic) was randomized within participants.
In the verbal task, participants were asked to give averbal estimate of the distance from their viewing position to either the noseor the cheek of the faces. Estimates were given in arbitrary units, chosen bythe participant. The participants were instructed that their eyes were at zero,and were told to use any metric they were comfortable with, so long as they wereconsistent. In each trial, the face was shown and a tone sounded. The face wasremoved from view after 2 s and a second tone sounded. Participants wereinstructed to respond before the second tone. This limit was imposed to keep theresponse time similar between the reaching and verbal estimates. Eachparticipant made distance estimates for two types of targets (nose or cheek) ontwo types of faces (concave and convex) at three distances (460, 490, and 520mm). Each condition was repeated 33 times for a total of 396 trials in theverbal task.
In the non-haptic reaching task, participants wereasked to touch either the nose or cheek of the face. The mirror occluded theparticipant’s finger, but a “virtual finger” in the form of a ballwas presented at the position of the fingertip. The finger was not visible atits starting point. In each trial, a face was shown and a tone sounded. The facewas removed as soon as the finger came into view. Because the face and fingerwere both rendered objects, we were able to ensure that the finger and face werenever visible at the same time. A second tone sounded 2 s after the first.Participants were instructed to complete the reach before the second tone. Thislimit was imposed to keep the response time similar between the reaching andverbal estimates. The final Z-position of the finger was recorded as the estimated depth of the target, where the Z-axis is the view direction, with itsorigin between the participant’s eyes. Participants were asked to touch the sideof the nose, or the side of the cheek, so this reach would be consistent withthe haptic task, described below. Each participant made reaches to exactly thesame stimulus conditions as in the verbal tasks (to a total of 396trials).
The haptic task was similar to the non-haptic task,with the addition of haptic feedback at the tip of the index finger. In allother respects, the haptic task was identical to the non-haptic task (again,participants performed a total of 396 trials). To ensure that the hapticfeedback did not give information about the true distance to the target,ambiguous haptic feedback was given. As shown in
Figure 2, a board was rendered in haptic spaceusing a PHANToM™ force-feedback device. The position of the board in the
X direction was consistent with the
X position of the target nose or cheekin the trial. The board was fairly short (4 cm) in the
Y direction, so participants would missthe board if their reaches were not accurate in the
Y direction. The board gave the correctfeedback at the
X and
Y coordinates of the target (nose orcheek), but at any
Z (distance). Inthis way we (a) ensured that participants received haptic feedback. This isimportant because lack of haptic feedback might change the planning and dynamicsof the reaching movement (e.g., Goodale, Jakobson, ⇐p; Keillo,
1994); (b) we excluded the possibility thatparticipants adopted a strategy to simply move the finger forward until theytouched the target object. In this case, participants would not need toexclusively use visual information, such that we could not draw inferences aboutthe underlying visual information processing. The board was haptically renderedto be somewhat sticky, such that it discouraged the participants from slidingtheir fingers forward along the board, and discovering its true shape. In thepost-experiment interview, participants were asked if they discovered anythingstrange about the shape of the face from touch. None reported that they did.They were asked directly if the haptic feedback was convincing, and all agreedthat it was.
To be sure that the participants had not consciouslyused a different strategy during cue-conflict trials, they were interviewedafter all trials were completed. Participants were first asked if they noticedanything different about any of the faces. Some participants noted thatdifferent face models were used, and that some were further away than others,but none reported noticing the inversion of the faces. Participants were thenasked directly if they had noticed that some of the faces were concave. Again,none reported knowing that they wereconcave.